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  • 1,592 UWA Science ratings and reviews

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Great unit. Not ridiculously difficult but you do still need to work hard to get a good mark.

5 years ago


Very content heavy. Some lecturers were shit others were great (Sonia) but the topics are generally...

5 years ago


Very interesting unit, tutor was very approachable, knowledgeable, each lecture focused on a differe...

5 years ago


The lab reports were strictly marked (average of 5-6/10) with little to no feedback from tutors. Mos...

5 years ago


Very easy distinction/high distinction with minimal effort. Harder than psych1101 and I feel more to...

5 years ago


Fair but difficult with Little Chem exp

5 years ago


Content was interesting. Quite abit of work. Learnt alot and had fun. Semester, part two, they taugh...

5 years ago


I agree with the Health Science major comment before me. Very very fun unit, just 2 hours of rehears...

5 years ago


It is so sad that such an interesting subject is butchered by extremely poor planning for the course...

5 years ago


Ridiculously content heavy and difficult. 3 lectures a week plus labs plus weekly quizzes and it was...

5 years ago


I really enjoyed this unit. All the lecturers were very enthusiastic about their subjects and the la...

5 years ago


I didn't watch any lectures as I decided to focus on the quizzes and textbook. This didn't negativel...

6 years ago


With the great lectures and helpful labs, the midterm, lab report, and multiple-choice exam were all...

6 years ago


Easy unit, and enjoyable at the same time. The lecturers were fun and interesting, same with the lab...

6 years ago


Definitely the most dull unit I did, after the first month I never attended lectures, because they w...

6 years ago


There is a large amount of content within this unit, but most of the lecturers condense the required...

6 years ago


I enjoyed this unit. Had to do this course as a prerequisite for another unit I want to do, and henc...

6 years ago


Very intense unit. Lots of thermodynamics and a tonne of maths which is hard and painful to work thr...

6 years ago


This unit was definitely helpful in regards to teaching you some skills you will use throughout uni...

6 years ago


Decent unit. There's lots of easy ways to get marks e.g. research participation and attempting the q...

6 years ago


Like has been said by previous reviews this unit is very content heavy (not going to lie), requires...

6 years ago


This was a very enjoyable unit! Both Romit sensei and Kaori sensei are great teachers. It's saddenin...

6 years ago


This course caused me great grief. If you had previous experience with Python programming, then this...

6 years ago


Don’t do this course if it’s not apart of your major. Save yourself the time and stress.

6 years ago

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