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H2A. This subject is so monotonous and draining it's a real relief it's over for me. If you're consi...
2 months agoFLTV10024
H1 (84). Making Micro Documentaries isn't necessarily a WAM booster but if you put in the effort you...
2 months agoPSYC10004
I thought I failed the exam lol but ended up with 90+ in this subject. I got 90% on essay. I watched...
2 months agoPHRM20001
Mixed feelingsā¦some lectures were too much content like toxins and GIT. Practice exam similar to act...
2 months agoBCMB20002
Score 99: I loved this subject!!! I heard that this subject is super work heavy and lots of people f...
2 months agoCOMP10002
The great filtration of compsci students is what this subject serves to achieve. A massive pitfall f...
2 months agoMAST10010
Very interesting subject, the content as well as how it's run. Everyone tells you it's an easy WAM b...
2 months agoENGR20004
(sorry, StudentVIP doesn't allow paragraph breaks). Probably the worst subject I've done at the univ...
2 months agoMAST10010
WORST SUBJECT EVER!!! Before you tell me 'skill issue', I got an 87 on this subject so I'm not co...
2 months agoPSYC300020
I found this subject quite interesting, though I would not say it was particularly easy. It was memo...
2 months agoENST30003
The material is easy as of 2024, like, really easy, and this is reflected by the fact that this clas...
2 months agoBLAW20002
(Summer Term Subject) This subject is super interesting, and very well taught. The coordinator is an...
2 months agoINFO30006
This is not an easy subject, but very rewarding if you put a little bit of effort in. It's relativel...
2 months agoCOMP20003
It's better than COMP20007. The second half of the subject lectures (taught by Nir) are engaging and...
2 months agoHPSC10003
I agree wholeheartedly with other reviewers - this subject is vastly different structurally, and can...
2 months agoCHEM10004
Amazing lecturers and a very well coordinated subject. Content was way more compelling than Chem 1,...
2 months agoLING10001
Score: 90. As a ling major this subject was a no-brainer for me. I'd say it's a great intro for thos...
2 months agoBIOM30001
This subject is Ok. I thought the metabolic syndrome block was well taught, Stem cells was taught we...
2 months agoFOOD30010
Having background knowledge from BCMB20002 and FOOD20003 is very helpful. I am majoring in Biochemis...
2 months agoBIOL10010
This subject had its moments, but overall I despised the content and nearly fell asleep in the exam...
2 months agoANAT30008
This subject is fantastic. Jason, Rex and Janet are great lecturers. Jason and Rex are easily in my...
2 months agoBrowse UniMelb subjects areas: