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Content was interesting and well taught, but the major assignment was poorly explained and very hard...

1 month ago


A great intro to the JD. Very hard to do badly and very helpful feedback from tutors throughout that...

1 month ago


The conent is really interesting and was taught quite well. but assignment questions were not well w...

1 year ago


Easy, media coms subject. It basically repeated a lot of previous media coms subject material e.g. g...

1 year ago


An excellent, practical course.

2 years ago


Not sure what was going on during the tutorials because they felt a bit all over the place in terms...

2 years ago


I did this subject knowing nothing about physics and it was quite challenging! Although there are no...

2 years ago


Incredibly interesting subject! The assessments were also very interesting and encourage original th...

3 years ago


this subject was pretty alright. At times i actually forgot about this subject because it is soooo r...

3 years ago


Bit of a love-hate relationship with this subject. The good aspects include very little workload and...

4 years ago


I found the Bessel function & Legendre polynomial parts a little bit challenging. But the differenti...

4 years ago


Administrative law regulates the relationship between the state and its people, in other words, the...

4 years ago


Legal Ethics takes special responsibility for the study of professionalism, ethics and public servic...

4 years ago


loved it

5 years ago


I loved this subject. I thought I'd struggle with it because at first a lot of the topics the subjec...

5 years ago


Terrible subject. Waste of time. Did none of the lectures or readings and still did well on my paper...

6 years ago


The trick to doing well on the exam is to do a lot of practice questions and use these to pre-prepar...

7 years ago


It's not the hardest subject and the lecturer doesn't have stringent requirements for academic rigou...

7 years ago


Torts was intellectually a fantastic subject. The lecturers created an engaging course which expande...

8 years ago


Fantastic subject. Gives a great introduction to the key controversies and players in jurisprudence....

9 years ago

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