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Sadly this is a core subject for all science students, gained nothing from this subject, except wasted a lot of time on the assignments of this subject. Passing the subject isn't too hard, since the tutors I encountered are actually quite nice. The lectures won't teach you anything, just like the subject itself, in the Vaccine investigation thing they just kept throwing professional things to us and expect year 1 students like us can understand. The assignments are unclear, especially for the second report, when following the rubric I thought that I was writing some literature analysis. The presentation at the end of the semester is like a primary school homeroom session, no depth at all. The most useless assignment must be the online quiz at the beginning, which is basically Melbourne history and some 'new to university guide'. Overall this isn't a hard subject to pass, but sometimes I feel like I'm attending a primary school session and realising I've wasted 6000+ dollars for nothing.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024

Thinking about how I have to spend my hard earned money on this absolutely useless subject's tuition fees makes me want to bash my head into a wall. There's also a group project at the end because the higher ups clearly thought we weren't suffering enough as it is. Just pass and try your best to block any memories of this godawful subject. EDIT: I have never had a more unprofessional education experience in my life. After confronting my group members about their very rude emails to me, I got screamed at by the tutor that because she's had to be silent when dealing with bad coworkers, so should I. Never in my life has a teacher, WHO I'M PAYING AN IMMENSE AMOUNT OF MONEY TO, screamed at me in such a manner nor projected her own personal issues onto my experiences. When attempting to complain to the Uni about this mortifying and completely unacceptable experience, I was basically told I couldn't do anything. I am beyond upset at this, and my advice to anyone forced to do this subject is to ensure you're in a workshop with your friends if possible, because if your group members are awful then there is seemingly nothing you can do. Should receive 0 stars for the brain rot they teach as 'content', but the insane tutors, incredible lack of clarity about the assessments, and the fact that you're forced to work in the most horrendous group project ever makes this the most terrible excuse for a subject.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024

Useless. Lost braincells doing this. Would learn more attending a primary school class than I did in this subject. Tutors can't even answer simple questions. Cannot believe you have to pay for this subject. If I had a choice I wouldn't do it even if they paid me to attend.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024

Although the LMS content, lecture content and tutorials are bland, it is easy to pass with far fewer than the 170 hours of work that other subjects want. As such, people skip classes or are distracted during them, leading to a boring atmosphere. Assessment is composed of simple quizzes and reflection activities; a group assignment, to which you should definitely contribute so that you don't let down your team; two essays that do not require much research, though the staff also do not spend much time teaching how to write one. No revision is needed for this subject, but at the same time you don't learn much from it.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

Barely learnt anything in this subject that is of actual use to my degree. - Online core content goes through crap about the uni, climate change, stuff that would 'help' your degree, as well as the indigenous history of Victoria (somewhat irrelevant but important due to unimelb international student population) - In generally not very sciencey at all. The elective I found to be quite boring and uneventful and the assessed content that we had to do was super easy, and overall seemed way to dumbed-downed to be of any use. Completely useless subject and an additional $1000 on my HECS for nothing.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

This subject didn’t really take up too much of my time as I didn’t go to the lectures and barely went to the workshops unless there was compulsory group work. The essays can be knocked out in a few days each and the group project doesn't take too much time if all you guys wanna do is pass. Wish I could’ve spent the time and money on a more relevant to me subject but oh well.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

Why does this subject even exist? It's complete trash. Hopefully they will end up removing it.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

If you are generally knowledgeable about science before uni you will not learn much in this subject and it will take up credit points that could be spent in more useful subjects.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

Only so much to say that hasn't already been said; the subject is a breeze and basically entails that you're doing one subject less than the number you're enrolled in. About half the assessments in the subject are common to all students, whilst the other half belong to your two elective topics. If there's anything you learn in the subject, it probably belongs to the elective half. In the common half, you have the 'joining Melbourne modules' and an essay; the modules are insubstantial and you should be able to breeze through them very quickly. The essay is 800 words and follows one of two prompts, based on topics presented by guest lecturers. They seem to mark generously. In the elective half, you will have a group project and another essay task, each belonging to one of your two elective topics. The group project appears in general to be a simple investigative activity presented via video or poster, whilst the essay task is an evaluation of a scientific paper in the discipline relevant to your second elective. With regards to teaching, my observation was that the second elective topic is much more technically engaged than the first, though your mileage may vary. In my first elective, they explained very little and ultimately nothing substantial was taught to us; in my second elective, I had a knowledgeable and interested tutor, and the provided lecture material was much more substantial. Ultimately however, I don't think I gained much from the subject and would rather have done a subject of my own choice.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022


Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022