- Uni. of Qld
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The latest activity on StudentVIP Subjects at Uni. of Qld...
Fantastic lectures and really interesting content! The assignment does require a lot of effort but w...
8 years agoMGTS1601
Really interesting content and great lectures. Attending lectures and tutes is a must. Make sure you...
8 years agoINFS1300
Interesting content but the contact hours in this subject are a nightmare. The group assignment is a...
8 years agoCOMU1010
Good subject. Fairly easy content to grasp - it all seems sort of like putting technical names to co...
8 years agoPSYC1030
Great introduction to a variety of psych topics. Fantastic lecture program with lots of different sp...
8 years agoPSYC1040
Needs a lot of extra time put in to understand the content if you aren't a person that's naturally a...
8 years agoPSYC1020
Super interesting introduction to a broad range of general psyc topics. If you master the basics tau...
8 years agoPSYC2050
Really interesting subject. The assignment really requires starting early and attending the tutes is...
8 years agoPSYC2040
Great subject with fantastic lectures and tutes. Interesting assessments and helpful lecturer and tu...
8 years agoCOMU1030
Easy subject to get good grades in if you attend all of the lectures and tutes. Some interesting con...
8 years agoPSYC2010
The tutorial workbook is fantastic for helping you to understand this subject. Great lecturer and gr...
8 years agoCHEM1200
CHEM1200 was a well-constructed course. The content is, for a chemistry subject, engaging and much m...
8 years agoPOLS1101
While this is an important subject to get a grounding in how politics is run in Australia, most of i...
8 years agoECON1010
Introductory and basic concepts to economics. Easy course if you are interested in Maths. The concep...
8 years agoPOLS3512
Interesting and innovative. Quite time consuming but a greatly needed area of analysis!
8 years agoSCIE1000
SCIE1000 has fun lectures (with the exception of the philosophy module). It is very important to att...
8 years agoBIOL1020
The course content was very interesting. Some of the lecturing staff were very engaging. Each lectur...
8 years agoCHEM1200
CHEM1200 was an enjoyable subject. The content flowed on from highschool, with some concepts taken s...
8 years agoCHEM1100
CHEM1100 is a great subject with interesting content and great teaching staff. The content was mainl...
8 years agomath2301
Really enjoyed this course! Although the name of the course is intimidating, its Well taught and lot...
8 years agoMATH1061
Easy and enjoyable. This was the first subject at UQ I did that i thoroughly enjoyed! Would definite...
8 years agoMATH2100
ODE's and PDE's. Happy days. I found a fair bit of this subject is learning processes unless you wan...
8 years agoFINM2401
I loved this subject and nailed both exams. You just need to get your head around the concepts and y...
8 years agoBrowse UQ subjects areas: