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Actually awful, so vague, and the assessments outlines are as bad as the essay questions. It's impos...
1 month agoMath3070
There's a lot of assumed knowledge on saddles / etc which I never came across in my prior maths subj...
2 months agoBIOL1040
I absolutely loved this course! Although content heavy, there is a lot of insight into the subject m...
3 months agoanth1030
I would rather shoot myself in the head than recommend this course to someone, the content is so bor...
4 months agoHLTH1000
Probably the worst course I have ever taken. No lectures to explain or iterate content for those...
5 months agoCSSE2310
Its challenging course, i did it when i were a freshman and it was hard for me thosse days but as a...
5 months agoSTAT1201
A lot of content and new concepts but if you keep up with the weekly content it is easy to get great...
7 months agoENGL1800
A simple and brilliant course. It’s a wonderful foundation for any study in English Literature. The...
8 months agoANCH2030
What a spectacular course! The course follows the myths and religion of Ancient Greece, the Near Eas...
8 months agoANCH1240
Absolutely amazing lectures and tutors. They brought the subject to life by having the perfect mix o...
8 months agoMATH2401
Took it the year Ole and Min held the course. Solid continuation to MATH1071, beginning from the ver...
8 months agoSTAT2003
Was held by Dirk Kroese when I took it, and if he holds the course, it is worth doing just because o...
9 months agoCOSC3000
It's a fun course that combines computer graphics n data analysis.. alot of learnings
10 months agoPHIL3630
Ehh. Mediocre, airy-fairy, choose-your-own adventure assessment course (like most PHIL courses at UQ...
1 year agoMATH1071
Quality course that covers the basics of real analysis; entirely proof-based with a moderate amount...
1 year agoELEC3100
I did not like how this subject was taught. A lot of theory and maths required, and the concepts sur...
1 year agoCOMP3506
Excellently taught by Joel Mackenzie. He dropped humour into his lectures at just the right time to...
1 year agoOCTY1205
course coordinator is condescending and does not provide adequate resources for assessments, and the...
1 year agoACCT3103
Hardest course in the major by far. Tutorial questions are a must for the final exam, far more impor...
1 year agoBrowse UQ subjects areas: