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Where do I begin. I had been looking forward to this subject since high school, so perhaps my expect...

4 years ago


This is a really good breadth. The content is easy yet interesting (besides the food economy-yawn)....

4 years ago


Loooooooved this subject!! It is very microbiology weighted, which I didn't think I'd like, but I le...

4 years ago


In my opinion, this subject would have been way better if there had been a different lecturer. Never...

4 years ago


Moderately interesting topics, a good, passionate lecturer (Dan), and okay readings. There is some g...

4 years ago


(This subject is actually Information Security and Privacy) I really liked the lecturers. They a...

4 years ago


The content is so so interesting and fun, and the lecturer is really passionate. Missing some lectu...

4 years ago


Fun fun! Matt's a funny guy and he lecture's really well. I engaged in lectures because I didn't wan...

4 years ago


Lectures were kind of unnecessary. All the cool stuff happens in tutorials. Really hands-on practice...

4 years ago


Fantastic subject. Grok worksheets were really well designed and it's a really cool learning tool as...

4 years ago


Good subject, though a bit slow for anyone who's done COMP10002 or VCE Algo. Be careful with the ass...

4 years ago


Such a fantastic and eye-opening subject, one of my favourites I have taken so far at UniMelb. The c...

4 years ago


This subject was a pleasant surprise. David and LJ are fantastic tutors with an insane amount of kno...

4 years ago


If you're looking for a subject that is dominated by know-it-all students who did the Year 12 equiva...

4 years ago


The content is very interesting, and the assignments really challenged you. However, the final exam...

4 years ago


Outstanding lecturer, very clear and providing more than enough material. Assessment items were very...

4 years ago


Very subjective marking and they are very vague about what is required in each task. Honestly did no...

4 years ago


Tutorials were fairly pointless, with classes too big to all work on the board. Lecturer was rather...

4 years ago


Interesting content, but so much to memorise for the exam

4 years ago


Fairly interesting if you like stats, and doable with practice and study

4 years ago


Do not take it thinking it is by looking at the assessment. The marking is absolutely ridiculous and...

4 years ago


Overall a pretty ok subject. It’s the first semester that Patrick’s teaching and I personally quite...

4 years ago


The only thing I liked about the subject was the content and the case studies, everything else was a...

4 years ago


This subject is quite practical and useful, and the content is pretty interesting. The group assignm...

4 years ago

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