Biomedicine: Molecule to Malady
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View all BIOM30002 notesComplete H1 (90) Summary Notes Biomedicine: Molecule to Malady - BIOM30002
Complete notes on BIOM30002 with annotated lecture notes, and commonly examined concepts highlighted...
75 pages, 17455 words
M2M H1 comprehensive notes all modules
Comprehensive notes for M2M for all topics. It includes all lecture content & additional notes made...
143 pages, 37081 words
PLEASE DO NOT PLAGIARIZE MY NOTES! (Several students have copied my notes and used them in their exa...
111 pages, 62585 words
H1 M2M (BIOM30002) Detailed Notes - Module 1+2+3
These notes cover the first 3 disease modules of M2M (lectures 1-20), including B cells & disease (m...
70 pages, 29975 words
M2M - Molecules to Malady (BIOM30002) Type 1 Diabetes summary notes- H1 (83)
Inspired by the Cornell Note Taking System, fully tabulated summary notes with information categoris...
39 pages, 9812 words
BIOM30002 Modules 4,5&6 Summary + Revision Checklist (Grade: H1 90+)
These notes provide a comprehensive breakdown of diseases covered in the final three modules of this...
84 pages, 37498 words
Molecule to Malady H1 Notes
All the lectures from the following modules plus any additional reading I performed: - HIV - Mal...
136 pages, 44676 words
BIOM30002 Modules 1,2&3 Summary + Revision Checklist (Grade: H1 90+)
These notes provide a breakdown of diseases covered in the first three modules of this subject. Read...
83 pages, 38502 words
H1 M2M (BIOM30002) Detail Notes - Modules 4+5
These notes cover the last 2 disease modules of M2M, which are Cystic Fibrosis (module 4) and Type 1...
37 pages, 16412 words
M2M - Molecules to Malady (BIOM30002) Type 1 Diabetes revision notes and summarised FAQs- H1 (83)
Inspired by the Cornell Note Taking System, fully tabulated summary notes with information categoris...
8 pages, 2796 words
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Hi there, I am a Doctor of Medicine (MD) student at UWA, and have a Bachelor of Biomedicine from Un...
$135 per hour
PHYS ADAPTING TO CHALLENGES: group session on the 30th, covering the main points for the take home e...
$150 per hour
2 x MMI Preparation Slots Available Now MedMastered's MMI masterclasses are continuing this year...
$60 per hour
Hi! I am an immunology enthusiast and a current PhD candidate researching in the T cell immunolo...
$70 per hour
MMI GUIDEBOOK and STUDY RESOURCES available **🧠Biomedicine & Neuroscience, GAMSAT & MMI || 88 WA...
$60 per hour
Hello! My name is Justin and I am currently completing the Bachelor of Biomedicine at UoM, majoring...
$60 per hour
I am a final-year Doctor of Medicine student at the University of Melbourne, having graduated in 201...
$60 per hour
My name is Harry and I am currently studying the Doctor of Medicine (MD2) at the University of Notre...
$60 per hour
MMI TUTORING AVAILABLE SPOTS Hello! My name is R.M I’m a previous Bachelor of Biomedicine gr...
Like another review said below some of the lecturers are not great. There is also minimal guidance for the assessments and if your group members are not great for the group assignment it really does impact your grade. I did not enjoy this subject compared to other subjects I have taken at uni.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023
A good core biomed subject that requires a high standard of work from students in both assignments and exam answers (short answer questions). Thought most of the lecturers taught well and the coordinators are really supportive (Keit and Jess). The subject does require you to have a good level of depth in understanding so make sure you understand the "molecule to malady" story well for each of the diseases. Learning about disease in a holistic way from molecular defects to clinical and future solutions was quite interesting.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023
Not bad, some of the lecturers are literally the worst teachers. I have never had worse lectures in my life, but at the same time some of them are really good :/
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023
My favourite subject at university so far. Jess, the subject coordinator, is incredibly supportive and is a lovely person. Subject is also very organised and I found all that all the disease modules we covered were all equally fascinating. Quite heavy in terms of immunology content (since immunity is basically involved in most human diseases), which can be good or bad depending on how you feel about immunology. Patient interviews were the highlight of this subject for me and I really enjoyed how they introduced the 'human' element behind all the diseases we covered. Feedback quizzes for each module and little 'tutorial'/workshop sessions interspersed throughout the subject were helpful in consolidating content. All in all a very interesting and well-coordinated subject.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021
catchy name, where you learn a few diseases in depth. I liked some modules over the others. Really depends on the lectuere/guest speakers you get
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017
One of the best core subjects! Highly coordinated, organised, and structured. Content delivered by topic-specific expert lecturers/professionals. The subject, incorporated patient interviews, which provided with a more integrative and holistic learning experience. The assessments were also quite fair!
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019
Worst subject ever. Everything in class is focusing on what the MD pursusing people want to know, and no emphasis on the basics. I doubt anyone who wants to do research would enjoy this subject. Also the coordinator is always showing off on how she gets more out of the lecture than the students do. WTF.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
This is definitely the best core subject I have done. The modules are incredibly interesting and taught very well, the course is organised well and structured clearly. The assessments were fair and you were able to score well if you put the effort in.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
By far the best core subject I have done. The modules itself were so interesting and were taught by lecturers who were incredibly passionate about their fields. The content in the modules was taught holistically so everything pieced together nicely. If you attend all lectures and take an interest in the content, the assessments are not that hard at all.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
Probably the best core subject i have done. Helen had put a lot of time and effort to make the assessments fair and for everyone to perform well. Lecturers were experts in their field and really knew what they were talking about.