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Hate it, it’s a wam destroyer, wanted to get an H1 but ended up with a 76. Essays are hard to score...

1 year ago


Got 83/100 without having learnt psychology prior taking this subject but that was only because exam...

1 year ago


Easy peasy, just don’t think too hard, lecture slides are pretty self-explanatory

1 year ago


Loved the subject, it was fun and quite easy once you understand the lecture content. Lecture slide...

1 year ago


Watched most the lectures on 1.5-2X speed (or not at all), but some of it was interesting and releva...

1 year ago


Interesting content but their way of marking is even more interesting :).

1 year ago


I absolutely loved this subject. It was a chance to be hands-on and apply what you have learnt. Alth...

1 year ago


One of the best subjects I took as a pharmacology major. Very useful for real world application. It...

1 year ago


Incredibly fun subject. Touches on a range of human diseases and how to treat them. Easy subject to...

1 year ago


The conent is really interesting and was taught quite well. but assignment questions were not well w...

1 year ago


Well taught with occasionally challenging conent, good first subject for uni.

1 year ago


Ying Tan is the filter we implicitly learn about throughout the duration of the course. She filters...

1 year ago


Incredibly run subject with readings assigned from interesting texts from feminist scholars across v...

1 year ago


I wouldn’t say I love this unit. But I like it enough and learned plenty about commerce and how the...

1 year ago


yInG tAn iS tHe bEst lEcTuReR

1 year ago


Ying Tan is just a $1000 syllabus, I find out what I need to know AND I HAVE TO WATCH IT ON YOUTUBE....

1 year ago


The lecturer has got to be the worst lecturer known to man. Subject is horrible

1 year ago


Did this as a 2023 summer intensive. Manageable workload, especially because the final assignments w...

1 year ago


I would only recommend this subject if you are good at writing essays. The group assignment contex...

1 year ago


Super interesting to learn about censorship of film, art, and comedy. There was a different film to...

1 year ago


This subject is now called Perspectives on Digital Platforms (or at least that's what has the MECM90...

1 year ago


I really enjoyed this subject. I liked how the content/techniques linked together nicely, and learni...

1 year ago


A relatively interesting but challenging subject. Learning about pain and autophagy/cell death was r...

1 year ago


I did this subject under the old structure (when it was a 25-point subject) but to be fair I felt I...

1 year ago

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