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[Did it in summer 2019] It wasn’t as bad as some people make out, although I got a fairly decent gro...

5 years ago


Very interesting course to give you the an understanding of the fundamentals of neuroscience.

5 years ago


The lecturer was great and the subject is generally really interesting. The tutorial is very boring...

5 years ago


This subjects sucks, the quizzes suck and the final assignment asks you to to write a 'scientific/ac...

5 years ago


Lecturer wasn't clear with what he wanted from us, skipped over examples. Very difficult

5 years ago


Absolutely terrible. The most boring lectures ever. Could not stop falling asleep. Tutes were litera...

5 years ago


Do not choose this subject if you have no dancing experience or just know a few choreographies of so...

5 years ago


Honestly not an altogether tough subject as long as you have a background of fine arts knowledge. If...

5 years ago


Lectures were wonderful but it's a LOT of content to be crammed into twelve weeks – felt like I had...

5 years ago


The best subject you'll do.

5 years ago


Had a great tutor, and the subject material was interesting to research and write about (most of the...

5 years ago


Really interesting subject, and the tutes were useful. The main thing you need to understand to do w...

5 years ago


One of the hardest subjects I've ever done, but also one of the best, and undoubtedly the most rewar...

5 years ago


As others have mentioned, the lecturer for this subject (Charles) is absolutely fantastic - very eng...

5 years ago


Had a love/hate relationship with this subject - while the content of the lectures was almost invari...

5 years ago


This subject, just like Spanish 1, was very well organised. It's more difficult, yes, but that's to...

5 years ago


This subject was very well organised - while we moved quickly (compared to the pace at which languag...

5 years ago


A bit harder than BIOL10004. However, if you love bio, it's not that hard. If you took Bio HL in IB,...

5 years ago


I took this subject even though I was majoring in Genetics. However, I did not know my major at the...

5 years ago


I took Spanish 1 the previous semester. There is a huge difference between the two subjects. There a...

5 years ago


I got an H1 and just studied the lectures, and none of the given textbook, even though it looks fun....

5 years ago


I learned from my lessons (from Chem 1) and took amazing notes by watching from LecCapture. You need...

5 years ago


I highly recommend this subject. Easy H1 course. I took it as my breadth subject. It gave me some sp...

5 years ago


The lectures were fine. The thing you need to get used it the constant change of the lecturers. This...

5 years ago

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