From Graffiti To Terrorism
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View all CRIM10001 notesFrom Graffiti to Terrorism (CRIM10001) Essential Subject Notes
High-quality subject notes created from key readings and twelve weeks of lectures. Also contains ext...
38 pages, 11882 words
From Graffiti to Terrorism H1 Complete Notes
Complete lecture notes and required reading summaries for Criminology 10001: From Graffiti to Terror...
60 pages, 20115 words
Become a tutor for CRIM10001Rachael
$65 per hour
Hi! I completed my undergrad at Melbourne, majoring in Psychology and Criminology. I have also comp...
$60 per hour
Deakin Uni Provisional PhD Candidate | UniMelb Bachelor of Arts (Honours) | Student Welfare Outreach...
$70 per hour
Hi! I am a third-year University of Melbourne student majoring in Media and Communications. I...
I did this subject as a breadth and did not enjoy it. I took it thinking it would be an introductory class to crime and criminology but it did not really feel that way. It sort of felt as if you were expected to know a lot more than was actually taught? The lectures and tutorials felt like they belonged to completely different subjects. The lectures were basically a waste of time - they usually brought in guest speakers and their content did not help in my assignments or tutorial discussions at all. The readings were quite heavy in terms of content but the tutorials really break them down for you and if it wasn't for my tutor being clear and engaging, I don't know how I would have passed.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022
Lectures are quite boring and the contents in the lectures are mostly unnecessary for the assignments. Assigned readings were too much for me to put in the effort (since it was a breadth for me). However, we have a lot of freedom in deciding on a topic for the essay, so the research project was stressful but rewarding at the same time.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021
I loved this subject (now Crime, Criminology and Critique). My tutor, Julie, was both passionate and engaging. She kept me going in what was a very difficult year. Whilst my tutorials were great, the lectures were not always as interesting or well-run. They definitely could be very engaging, as the subject matter is interesting and current.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020
I personally found the subject matter quite interesting, but I felt the Lectures could have been better led. I found that the lectures were quite boring. The readings, though interesting, were far too many in quantity. Three readings a week is simply not accomplishable. I found the tutorials especially useless. It might have just been my tutor because I went to a replacement tute and had a great thought-provoking discussion about the subject matter. Alessandra was an amazing tutor!
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019
Overall okay, however I had a great tute and all the assignments/exam were pretty easy as you were given a lot of free reign to choose which crime you want to study. If I could go back, I definitely wouldn't do this subject again. Lectures themselves are a major letdown as they are all sooooo boring. Compared to my other subjects, it really didn't feel like a university subject as there wasn't a lot of abstract thinking per se, rather just lets apply this theory to this crime every week over and over until eventually every crime is caused by the same theory but all these theories are so outdated that you can't even trust what you're learning.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019
Interesting lectures, well-organised tutorials and relevant assignments
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
The content was interesting and delivered well. The lecturers were very knowledgeable and were lovely :) Tutorials are great as long as you do the readings. The main thing is learning the theories and being coherent.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
fun, easy to do. tip to think abstractly. readings don't really need to be done to do well, just know the basics, aka the theories for criminal behaviour and know definitions well, then express your ideas and articulate them in a sophisticated but easy to understand language. all g, will do well. subject was actually interesting btw, and way more fun in class.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
Expected something that would be far more engaging. Both lecturers were great and knew the content well. Tutors are hit or miss. Readings were very dry.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
This subject was quite dry, and I found myself fast forwarding the lectures online to get through the irrelevant content. I felt that there was a lot of information on what the crimes were but not actually much detail in actually explaining why people do these crimes (isn’t that what criminology is about lol?). Felt there needed to be more time spent on explaining the theories, especially as not all were covered in the lectures and readings, which made the assignments harder. I found the assignments to be quite interesting however. My tutor was also very good, we had some interesting discussions and debates, not always completely on topic, but interesting nonetheless.