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Authors: Stephen Odgers, Elisabeth Peden, Miiko Kumar
9 hours agoAuthors: FAAL. Emeritus Professor J W Carter
9 hours agoAuthors: Peter Cane, Leighton McDonald, Kristen Rundle
9 hours agoAuthors: Peter Gerangelos, Nicholas Aroney, Simon Charles Evans, Sarah Louise Murray, Patrick Emerton, Adrienne Sarah Ackary Stone
9 hours agoAuthors: Barbara McDonald, Ross Anderson, David Rolph
9 hours agoAuthors: ROBIN ET AL. CREYKE, David Hamer, Patrick John O'Mara, Belinda Smith, Taylor. Tristan
9 hours agoAuthors: Martin Dixon, Professor Robert McCorquodale, Robert McCorquodale, Sarah Williams
9 hours agoAuthors: KIM. LANGFIELD SMITH, Langfield-Smith et al, David Alan Smith, Paul Andon, Ronald W Hilton, Helen Thorne
15 hours agoAuthors: Lubert Stryer, Jeremy Berg, John Tymoczko, Gregory Gatto
17 hours agoAuthors: James M. Ritter, Rod J. Flower, Graeme Henderson, David MacEwan, Yoon Kong Loke, Humphrey P. Rang
18 hours agoAuthors: International code
18 hours agoAuthors: David (Ed) & Finkelstein Hamer (Ray (Ed)), Ray Finkelstein, David Hamer
19 hours agoAuthors: R & DUFFY FIELD (J & HUGGINS, A.)
19 hours agoAuthors: Nickolas James, Rachael Field, Jackson Walkden-Brown
19 hours agoAuthors: R CREYKE; D HAMER; P O?MARA; B SMITH; T TAYLOR.
19 hours agoAuthors: Brian Ord, Gary Shaw, Tracey Green
19 hours agoAuthors: Professor of Criminology and Social Policy and Director Mannheim Centre for Criminology Tim Newburn, Tim Newburn
19 hours agoAuthors: James Gere, Barry Goodno
21 hours agoBrowse textbook subject areas: