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Authors: Michael Bryan, Simone Degeling, Scott Donald, Vicki Vann
2 hours agoAuthors: Michael Bryan, Vicki Vann, Susan Barkehall Thomas
2 hours agoAuthors: Siegbert Schmid, Mauro Mocerino, Allan Blackman, Uta Wille, Steven E. Bottle
3 hours agoAuthors: Adrian Coorey
3 hours agoAuthors: Peter Raven, George Johnson, Kenneth Mason, Jonathan Losos, Tod Duncan
3 hours agoAuthors: Kathy Brady, Tiffany Winn
3 hours agoAuthors: Joanne Tollefson
4 hours agoAuthors: AUDREY & FRANDSEN BERMAN (GERALYN & SNYDER, SHIRLEE ET AL.), Geralyn Frandsen, Shirlee Snyder, Tracy Levett-Jones, Adam Burston, Trudy Dwyer, Majella Hales, Nichole Harvey, Lorna Moxham, Tanya Langtree, Kerry Reid-Searl, Flora Rolf, David Stanley
4 hours agoAuthors: Tracy Levett-Jones
4 hours agoAuthors: Shilbury, David; Kellett, Pamm
5 hours agoAuthors: Thomas R. Baechle, Roger W. Earle, National Strength & Conditioning Association (U.S.)
5 hours agoAuthors: Robert Bland, Noel Renouf, Ann Tullgren
7 hours agoAuthors: Richard De Veaux, Paul Velleman, David Bock
7 hours agoAuthors: Elaine N. Marieb, Katja Hoehn
10 hours agoAuthors: Kossen, Kiernan, Lawrence
10 hours agoAuthors: Knut Sydsaeter, Peter J. Hammond
11 hours agoBrowse textbook subject areas: