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Authors: David (Ed) & Finkelstein Hamer (Ray (Ed)), Ray Finkelstein, David Hamer
19 hours agoAuthors: R & DUFFY FIELD (J & HUGGINS, A.)
19 hours agoAuthors: Nickolas James, Rachael Field, Jackson Walkden-Brown
19 hours agoAuthors: R CREYKE; D HAMER; P O?MARA; B SMITH; T TAYLOR.
19 hours agoAuthors: Brian Ord, Gary Shaw, Tracey Green
19 hours agoAuthors: Professor of Criminology and Social Policy and Director Mannheim Centre for Criminology Tim Newburn, Tim Newburn
19 hours agoAuthors: Saul Kassin, Steven Fein, Hazel Rose Markus, Kerry Anne McBain, Lisa Williams
5 days agoAuthors: William J. Duiker, Jackson J. Spielvogel
1 week agoAuthors: Scott Lillienfled, Steven J. Lynn, Laura L. Namy, Nancy J. Woolf, Graham Jamieson, Anthony Marks, Tony Marks, Virginia Slaughter, Alex Main
1 week agoAuthors: Dennis Howitt, Duncan Cramer
1 week agoAuthors: Association, American Psychological
1 week agoAuthors: MICHAEL W.. KEANE EYSENCK (MARK T.), Taylor & Francis Group
1 week agoAuthors: Carol K. Sigelman, Elizabeth A. Rider
1 week agoAuthors: Lesley Chenoweth, Donna McAuliffe
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