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Authors: Richard De Veaux, Paul Velleman, David Bock
4 hours agoAuthors: Jane B. Reece, Lisa A. Urry, Michael L. Cain, Steven A. Wasserman, Peter V. Minorsky, Robert B. Jackson
21 hours agoAuthors: John E. McMurry
22 hours agoAuthors: Leanne Bondin, Adam Kealley
1 day agoAuthors: Terry O'Sullivan, Cathy O'Sullivan, Brian Whitehead, Elizabeth Hill
2 days agoAuthors: Phil Hancock, Peter Robinson, Michael E. Bazley, Mike Bazley
3 days agoAuthors: Howard Frederick, Allan O'Connor, Donald F. Kuratko
3 days agoAuthors: Michael Madigan
4 days agoAuthors: David H. Barlow, V. Mark Durand, Stefan G. Hofmann
4 days agoAuthors: Project Management Institute
4 days agoAuthors: REBECCA & MORRISON DONATELLE (VAL & THOMPSON, JANICE ET AL.), Val Morrison, Janice Thompson, April Lynch, Jonathan Smith, Scott Lilienfeld, Lorna Moxham
4 days agoAuthors: Institute of Quantity Surveyors of Australia
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