2,750 Law subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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LAW5CFL La Trobe

This elective subject may have been good prior to 2020, but it certainly wasn't worth the money and...

3 years ago

LAWS3510 Uni. of Sydney

An engaging course taught well by Professor Simon Rice. He takes you well outside the "law" box, whi...

3 years ago


Great overview of the role that forensic psychology has played and continues to play in legal / crim...

3 years ago


Excellent comprehensive overview of major theoretical foundations of criminality and crime response....

3 years ago


Provides a good overview of intersectional issues and contributing factors to criminality and crime...

3 years ago


I found this unit great for both theoretical and practical learning of the dynamics of domestic / in...

3 years ago

MLL377 Deakin Uni.

Fantastic subject and unit chair. Provides excellent guidance on self-chosen essay topic, interestin...

3 years ago

MLL325 Deakin Uni.

Tough unit, there's no denying it. It took me a while to get into Hepburn's head and figure out how...

3 years ago

LAWS3479 Uni. of Sydney

Interesting subject and great lecturer but sometimes the content is not presented in the clearest wa...

3 years ago

LAWS3041 The Uni. of Newcastle

I really enjoyed the structure and content of LAWS3041. The three-module, tri-style learning, with a...

3 years ago


A fantastic elective for those who enjoy international law, economics and a mix of black-letter law...

3 years ago

LAWS5113 Uni. of Sydney

One of the worse subject ever. Boring lectures with largely useless content. Covering Cheques an...

3 years ago

LAWS20011 Uni. of Melbourne

this subject was pretty alright. At times i actually forgot about this subject because it is soooo r...

3 years ago

LAW2101 Monash Uni.

This unit has simple content but the group assignment was marked for every group much more harshly t...

3 years ago

7050 Uni. of Canberra

The Property Law teacher, Dr Raff, is a fantastic lecturer (and teacher in general). Thank you, Murr...

3 years ago

LAW460 Macquarie

To be sincere i find anything legal related to be very simple. This subject was one of the many law...

4 years ago

LAW468 Macquarie

To be sincere i find anything legal related to be very simple. This subject was one of the many law...

4 years ago

LAW461 Macquarie

To be sincere i find anything legal related to be very simple. This subject was one of the many law...

4 years ago

LAW203 Macquarie

To be sincere i find anything legal related to be very simple. This subject was one of the many law...

4 years ago

LAW457 Macquarie

To be sincere i find anything legal related to be very simple. This subject was one of the many law...

4 years ago

LAW473 Macquarie

To be sincere i find anything legal related to be very simple. This subject was one of the many law...

4 years ago

LAW448 Macquarie

To be sincere i find anything legal related to be very simple. This subject was one of the many law...

4 years ago

LAW478 Macquarie

To be sincere i find anything legal related to be very simple. This subject was one of the many law...

4 years ago

LAW459 Macquarie

To be sincere i find anything legal related to be very simple. This subject was one of the many law...

4 years ago

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