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2,787 Law subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:
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Should have been one of the most interesting subjects in law, but lecturer and tutor did not do a gr...
10 years ago
Very interesting subject, and Michael had very interesting things to say about the law! Notes and le...
10 years ago
The Uni. of Western Australia
Pretty boring unit but essential learning as part of a law degree
10 years ago
This subject is designed for those interested in other criminal justice systems in the world, whilst...
10 years ago
The Uni. of Newcastle
did get super boring and hard. so many little details to remember.
10 years ago
Southern Cross Uni.
This is a great unit as an external student. Jen Neilsen is one of the best law lecturers you will f...
10 years ago
The first few weeks can be quite boring, but once you're through them, it starts getting really inte...
10 years ago
This is a challenging course because of how broad it is, but if you are lucky to get John Milburn as...
10 years ago
Offering quite the respite from the uninteresting co-introductory law subject, Foundations of Law (S...
10 years ago
I competed Foundations of Law in its commencing semester and I would like to believe that the blandn...
10 years ago
Loved this course! I felt sorry for the conveynor though! Definitely do this course!!
10 years ago
Probably more interesting and engaging than LLB 130. You get the same excellent tutors from LLB 130,...
10 years ago
Possibly the best taught subject in Semester One. Expert seminar leaders and lecturer really engage...
10 years ago
I found this to be an incredibly interesting subject which I enjoyed immensely. It works mostly with...
10 years ago
Experienced and very organised lecturer with up to date Unit guides and he is also the author of my...
10 years ago
Attend all tutorials!! Content is extremely simple if you attend every single tutorial and practice...
10 years ago
Fantastic lecturer, extremely interesting content, awesome tutorials. Loved the assignments but the...
10 years ago
Okay subject, tutors weren't great, lecturer was okay but not great. Boring tutorials, hardly anyone...
10 years ago
Extremely easy subject, attending tutorials is a must. Amazing tutors, awesome lecturer, easy assess...
10 years ago
Worst subject I have ever done. Useless lecturer, clueless tutor, easy exam but confusing assessment...
10 years ago
Tutorials are a must for this subject, boring lectures, fairly simple exam and easy assessments. Gre...
10 years ago
Interesting course, amazing lecturer, easy exam. Assignments are slightly more difficult and the tut...
10 years ago
If you take this course, try and avoid Adrian Coorey as the lecturer. The provided materials are exc...
10 years ago
Very interesting subject - tough final exam
10 years ago
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