2,750 Law subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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LAW208 Macquarie

I didn't enjoy this subject at the beginning, but once you do a few of the lectures (really try not...

9 years ago

LAW115 Macquarie

Excellent subject. It's pass/fail, so if you're just starting uni it's an easier way to get used to...

9 years ago

1014CCJ Griffith

Interesting course with great guest lecturers. Probably the easiest assessments out of the 24 CCJ s...

9 years ago


This is a well-taught and informative unit. I would recommend this unit to anyone who has an interes...

9 years ago

LAWS1001A The Uni. of Newcastle

A good foundation course, with very enthusiastic staff, but a little all over the place content wise...

9 years ago

LWZ210 Charles Darwin Uni.

The subject is obscure and quite difficult. However, it is as well taught as any subject at CDU, and...

9 years ago

LWZ223 Charles Darwin Uni.

The subject is dry and the tutor somewhat disorganised. However, the content of the unit is clear. T...

9 years ago

LWZ118 Charles Darwin Uni.

Many complaints in contract law arose around the textbook being the source of all lecture notes. Thi...

9 years ago

LWZ116 Charles Darwin Uni.

It is interesting how many people I heard complaining about this subject during the semester. Some o...

9 years ago

POLI1020 The Uni. of Newcastle

I think I only went to one tutorial - the tutor made it painful to go. Even without any attendance a...

9 years ago

LAWS2004A The Uni. of Newcastle

Too much content, not enough class time

9 years ago

70327 UTS

Interesting subject. PPSA can be a little difficult to grasp, but the remainder of the subject is no...

9 years ago

70617 UTS

Olivia is a great lecturer / tutor. The subject itself is a little dry with some difficult conce...

9 years ago

SOCS1100 The Uni. of Newcastle

Interesting subject. It allows for you to facilitate your own focus groups and discussions on a subj...

9 years ago

LAW204 Macquarie

Need two hour tutorials!

9 years ago

COM15 Griffith

A fantastic introduction to university study

9 years ago

LAW2FPL La Trobe


9 years ago

AIR245 Deakin Uni.

Great unit providing an overview over American (foreign) politics while contextualizing some of the...

9 years ago


My favourite subject, the lecturers are approachable and will help you understand contracts, no need...

9 years ago


Boring subject. If you want to do well just read all of the content.

9 years ago


Great class but do not use any of the tutors on here. Epic notes is much better.

9 years ago


This is a great class but do not use Lock as your tutor. He is immensley inadequate pick another tu...

9 years ago


Do not contact Lock to be your tutor, he is a scam artist. Save yourself some time and money an...

9 years ago

MLL406 Deakin Uni.

Worst, most boring subject ever. Hate it with a passion and can't believe it is a core subject as I...

9 years ago

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