
We don't have any textbooks for this subject yet.

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Exam Notes

My notes are in dot point form. They include a mixture of lecture notes, textbook notes and informat...

39 pages, 11728 words

Criminal Law B Notes + Case Summaries

Great set of notes for LLB 180.

49 pages, 15980 words


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My tutorial leader was so much better this time around- Ray really was excellent. Luke was pretty good as a lecturer, although I probably preferred Julia from first session. All in all, I learnt a lot and did well.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014

Probably more interesting and engaging than LLB 130. You get the same excellent tutors from LLB 130, as well as the same assessment structure, meaning you can do very well with a little effort.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2014