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Well presented and interesting content. Wasn't overly challenging and marking was consistent.

6 years ago


Ingrid was a great teacher and I found her easy to understand. This was an excellent beginners cours...

6 years ago

ENGG950 Wollongong

This subject might be useful if lectures and tutorials were more interesting and explained well, oft...

6 years ago

ENGG942 Wollongong

The concept of the subject is good and useful but in fact, this subject turned out to be not very he...

6 years ago


This course looks difficult in the beginning, but becomes moderate as you proceed. The course gives...

6 years ago



6 years ago


Too good!

6 years ago

ELEN90055 Uni. of Melbourne

Put the effort in and you will do well. Also you get to play with lego robots.

6 years ago

MEC3455 Monash Uni.

Lecturer quite good. Most tutor couldnt answer my question

6 years ago

MEC3451 Monash Uni.

No point going to lecture, most of tutor cant answer my question. Worst unit in my 3rd year

6 years ago

ENGR30002 Uni. of Melbourne

If you're a civil eng major like me and you don't understand a damn about chem eng, you'll do fine w...

6 years ago

ENGG1500 Uni. of Qld

Prefect course for students who want to study chemical engineering in their following years. This co...

6 years ago

MEC4418 Monash Uni.

Very hard to understand

6 years ago

ENSC1002 The Uni. of Western Australia

A boring and mandatory waste of time to study if your Engineering discipline of choice doesn't invol...

6 years ago

ENGG951 Wollongong

Useful, excellent subject, but another one in which peer reviews are just a formality.

6 years ago

ENGG950 Wollongong

Very inconsistent marking across tutorials. Confusing subject structure.

6 years ago

ENSC1002 The Uni. of Western Australia

Just a heads up: if you were looking forward to whatever this build a bridge project was, like I had...

6 years ago

ENSC3004 The Uni. of Western Australia

It's possible to fall behind in this unit and quickly catch up. It's not uncommon to get no help fr...

6 years ago

ENSC3003 The Uni. of Western Australia

If you keep up with the material and work through ALL assignment problems during the semester, you w...

6 years ago

ENGG1801 Uni. of Sydney

Jason Chan was best lecturer; overall a well-organized and well-taught subject by Jason. No complain...

6 years ago

GENG5507 The Uni. of Western Australia

The course is detailed. The teacher is great as well.

6 years ago

ELEC4404 The Uni. of Western Australia

The course is detailed. The teacher is great as well.

6 years ago

CIVL2201 Uni. of Sydney

DR Tim Wilkinson is the best lecturer in civl spec. Exam and quiz have consistent difficulty and sty...

6 years ago

PHYS1001 The Uni. of Western Australia

A relatively easy unit if you completed ATAR physics in year 12. It's only negative was the change i...

6 years ago

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