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  • 119 QUT Engineering ratings and reviews

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One of the most useful subjects at QUT. But bewarned don't ever plagarise. You will drive Floren mad...

2 years ago


Loved this subject, it was the first look into how to properly set up a UAV mission. It's all theory...

3 years ago


Fun unit and don't afraid to ask questions during tutorial. The project assessment will be quite dif...

3 years ago


This subject was a massive letdown. Don't expect the field trips and flight simulator experiences th...

3 years ago


Poorly coordinated subject. There is a lot of content that is covered with minimal understandin...

3 years ago


Great subject overall, interact Solidworks modelling and comprehensive lectures on the exam content....

4 years ago


tough group-work subject, but satisfying outcome with the right people and effort

4 years ago


Overall not a bad unit - but it could be taught so much better... The lecturers were very informativ...

4 years ago


The coordinator's voice is very sleepy, the code's indentation sucks. The first 6 weeks are easy but...

4 years ago


CAB202 gives a great peek into procedural languages, as well as how computers work fundamentally on...

4 years ago


Ingrid was a great teacher and I found her easy to understand. This was an excellent beginners cours...

6 years ago


CAB202 rewards diligent work, progressively challenging your knowledge and consumption of course mat...

6 years ago


A very challenging unit, but for all the right reasons. If you enjoy programming, youll enjoy this u...

7 years ago


Lecture notes were very well structured.

10 years ago


Horrible teacher, Horrible notes. Such a vague subject...

10 years ago


Had a great topic, was able to work at my own pace. Got it done and dusted before exams hit!

10 years ago


Easy Subject if you pay attention and put in some work. Great teacher and good notes!

10 years ago


MAB125 is a fairly hard unit as it is an overview of Mathematics C or equivalent from high school. I...

10 years ago


This unit is a continuation of high-school physics. Those who understood and did well in physics in...

10 years ago


Statics and materials was a difficult unit. However, with basic understanding of high-school physics...

10 years ago


This subject is beneficial for those planning to civil and environmental engineering. Group work, co...

10 years ago


Statics part goes over generic concepts on force vectors from High School. Materials part is a very...

10 years ago

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