2,740 Engineering subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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MATH1052 Uni. of Qld

Great introduction to Applied Mathematics. Covers useful topics in an interesting way. This subject...

6 years ago

GEOM20013 Uni. of Melbourne

Subject was organised very well, and teaching staff were very professional and approachable. The GIS...

6 years ago

MATH1052 Uni. of Qld

Great introduction to the most fundamental concept in math, underpinning pretty much everything that...

6 years ago

MATH1051 Uni. of Qld

This course was fantastic for understanding the basics of linear algebra. The lecturer spoke quickly...

6 years ago

ELEC3505 Uni. of Sydney

The coordinator this year, which was new, is giving a significantly low mark and cannot even talk cl...

6 years ago


Challenging course, but if you put in the work you will give you self every chance of passing. Bigge...

6 years ago

ELEN30010 Uni. of Melbourne

Very hard subject, study very basic hardware language (verilog).

6 years ago

MAST90014 Uni. of Melbourne

Don't let the fairly low score fool you, I did quite like this subject, but it has some problems. In...

6 years ago

ELEN30012 Uni. of Melbourne

Rob is so good!!!

6 years ago

MTRX1701 Uni. of Sydney

Compulsory first year mechatronics subject. The lecture modules are I guess a good introduction to m...

6 years ago

MATH1002 Uni. of Sydney

Some of the lecture notes were messy, and it was hard to understand the lecturers in some cases. I w...

6 years ago

ENGG1801 Uni. of Sydney

As everyone says Jason Chan is a great, enthusiastic lecturer who provides a very organised canvas p...

6 years ago

BMEN30005 Uni. of Melbourne

The content is very similar to the pre-req BMEN20001. Assignments are easy to do if you listen to th...

6 years ago


If you did great in Math 1131 & 1231, that would not be a problem. You need to be really ready befor...

6 years ago


That is an interesting course. You need to read all lec notes or relevant topics before you go into...

6 years ago


Labs are kind of hard, it takes much effort, but they give you 2 weeks time so it is fine. If you ca...

6 years ago


Very straightforward course

6 years ago


A unique and interesting course, very different to the other civil engineering subjects

6 years ago


Quite an easy maths course compared to first year maths. A lot of content is repeated as well

6 years ago


Quite a challenging course but rewarding if you manage to get your head around the fundamental conce...

6 years ago


Concepts are useful but the overall content was a bit repetitive/tedious

6 years ago


Quite a challenging course but a good foundation for different branches of physics

6 years ago


Solid introductory maths course. Content was similar to HSC 4U in parts

6 years ago

PHYS1001 The Uni. of Western Australia

The lecturers were very varied as people below said. But perhaps the most annoying thing was the lab...

6 years ago

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