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View all CVEN2301 notesCVEN2301 Course Summary Notes
Notes cover all topics of the course in a week-by-week layout with detailed explanations, diagrams a...
26 pages, 7063 words
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$60 per hour
A Client-Side Project Manager and Structural Engineer with 6+ years experience on building structure...
The content was interesting, but the lecturers are not very approachable. Best way to study for this is to do practice papers and understand the methods of resolving problems.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
Concepts are useful but the overall content was a bit repetitive/tedious
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
I thought this subject was really boring but on the other hand it was an open book final. In later years I have come to realise that this is actually a bad thing because many students, including myself, never learnt what the subject was really about and only learnt how to memorise solution processes. Although the teaching is poor in this subject I would encourage you to actively engage with the content - although it may not be clear exactly what you’re learning and what relevance it has it will definitely become useful in 3rd year steel and concrete subjects, so this is an important subject for those wishing to specialise in structural engineering. Some of the concepts even apply to geotechnical engineering.