5,214 Arts subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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ASNS2621 Uni. of Sydney

If it wasn't for the way this course was structured, I would have given this unit at least 3 stars p...

5 years ago

PHL137 Macquarie

Thoroughly enjoyed this first year unit. Convenor Albert teaches 100% of the assessable content with...

5 years ago

PHL137 Macquarie

Well I have a lot to say about this unit. I took it because of the positive feedbacks and the conten...

5 years ago

POLS20026 Uni. of Melbourne

Interesting and highly relevant content - assessments were quite straightforward but engaging to com...

5 years ago

SCRN20011 Uni. of Melbourne

Diana is an amazing lecturer and also made our tutorials super fun as well! She was very willing to...

5 years ago

HIST20013 Uni. of Melbourne

Lectures were not engaging and contained few vague dot points at best, content was far too broad to...

5 years ago

MULT10017 Uni. of Melbourne

Since I did this in semester 2, some of the content I encountered in this subject was kind of expect...

5 years ago

AHIS10002 Uni. of Melbourne

I had no background in art history and this was difficult purely from a research perspective as info...

5 years ago

MECM30016 Uni. of Melbourne

I was floating during the first 5 weeks and doing other assignments and only when the due dates were...

5 years ago

LING20011 Uni. of Melbourne

Really great subject - genuinely interesting (if it's your thing) and taught extremely well. Some to...

5 years ago

LAWS2223 The Uni. of Western Australia

I found this unit quite interesting. It has two quizzes and an essay throughout the semester and the...

5 years ago

MULT20003 Uni. of Melbourne

Did not like this subject at all. The lecture content and readings were extremely dry as expected, a...

5 years ago

LING20005 Uni. of Melbourne

The first half of this subject covering articulatory phonetics is somewhat interesting. Where it got...

5 years ago

MULT20008 Uni. of Melbourne

Not going to lie, the lectures are amazing! However, the tutor is kind of mean and it is very hard t...

5 years ago

PSYC20009 Uni. of Melbourne

Content overload, generally uninteresting with only a few memorable lectures from the social psychol...

5 years ago

PSYC20007 Uni. of Melbourne

Interesting subject, assessment involved a bit too much spoon feeding and did not encourage independ...

5 years ago

PSYC20008 Uni. of Melbourne

I find this subject challenging as the content is very dry, boring, and uninteresting. The exam is t...

5 years ago

FLTV20005 Uni. of Melbourne

This subject was more hands-on than Making Movies 1 and required actually going to the lectures. The...

5 years ago

SCRN20011 Uni. of Melbourne

Cool lecturer, fascinating content, and assignments where we got to choose our subject. I loved this...

5 years ago

FREN20019 Uni. of Melbourne

I enjoyed this subject more than French 5 and 6, even though the content became quite politics-heavy...

5 years ago

FLTV10010 Uni. of Melbourne

A fascinating subject and a decent WAM-booster if you've done film before. The weekly quizzes were a...

5 years ago

FREN10007 Uni. of Melbourne

I liked that the subject was not politics-heavy, however learning about 19th century France wasn't a...

5 years ago

GEND10001 Uni. of Melbourne

GEND10001 is actually called Sex, Gender & Culture: An Introduction so that's what I will be discuss...

5 years ago

CULS10005 Uni. of Melbourne

The content was fascinating, the lectures were interesting and the tutorials were very engaging. Unf...

5 years ago

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