- Murdoch Uni.
- Subjects
- Arts
- 136 MU Arts textbooks
- 12 MU Arts tutors
- 82 MU Arts ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Arts subjects at Murdoch Uni....
It is waaaay easier if you did CRM120 before.
The unit has a lot of material available and is thor...
1 year ago
End of Semester portfolio was a joke. I took on the inspiration and advice as given to me by lecture...
4 years ago
Not only is this a CORE unit in psychology, but it is also one of the more challenging ones out ther...
5 years ago
Incredible course, really relevant to the industry.
5 years ago
Great subject, has the basics of the industry and an opportunity to use the equipment and try a real...
5 years ago
Seems highly irrelevant in the grand scheme of my degree.
5 years ago
excellent resource
5 years ago
Tutorials are pretty useless (people just talk about their problems), lectures lack relevance to ass...
6 years ago
Relatively easy, keep up with the weekly readings and participate in the weekly tutes and you'll pas...
7 years ago
A helpful unit to hone your creative writing skills and learn to critquse your own work and others i...
7 years ago
The most engaging dialogue of all my courses so far - you feel like more than a student. Extremely i...
8 years ago
I enjoyed the workshops in EGL122, they were enjoyable and useful - I got to read and workshop other...
8 years ago
Interesting unit that assisted with my return to study.
8 years ago
Excellent unit and subject matter.
8 years ago
Compulsory for Arts Students, make sure you do preparations for classes (and take notes as you go) a...
8 years ago
Unfortunately I had the worst possible lecturer for this unit and he left most of us feeling very co...
9 years ago
Lots of essay practice and lots of thinking outside the box, the discussions were interesting as wer...
9 years ago
EGL122 was enjoyable, I met a lot of like minded people who were interested in writing, having the a...
9 years ago
Full of content and suitable for a range of abilities. Really good balance of hands-on photography...
9 years ago
Definitely requires an understanding of statistics. Having already done LEG120 Legal research defini...
9 years ago
I found that it was an interesting unit, a lot of discussion involved and a lot of new ideas, but it...
9 years ago
Very basic, for someone who has ever used a camera or done media before. DO it if you want 3 easy cr...
10 years ago
For many psychology students, even the ones who did the subject in high school first, this unit is t...
10 years ago
Carol Warren is very passionate about anthropology. If you are a visual learner, her ability to crea...
10 years ago
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