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I wish I didn't leave this unit until my 3rd yet of my double degree because it's made me loathe my...
8 years agoKKB101
I did this subject back in Sem1 2015, and I haven't submitted a review yet. I didn't love it, but I...
8 years agoAMB210
Overall, I found this subject enjoyable. I found Alvin to be helpful - one of the most helpful lectu...
8 years agoPYB309
For me, this unit was not that great. The content was fine but the assessment was the worst. Importa...
8 years agoPYB304
Sometimes the lecturer makes the most interesting parts of this unit very boring. But otherwise it's...
8 years agoPYB054
Very interesting subject! The lecturer keeps things interesting and engages with the students.
8 years agoLSB131
- requires copious amounts of study but is the most interesting subject by far. I even got to touch...
8 years agoIFB104
Twice the workload of any other subject. Challenging if you've never studied computing before. Worth...
8 years agoIFB103
Great introduction to design thinking with a focus on technology. Subject really improves if you hav...
8 years agoAMB200
Bulk theory but really interesting if you like the more psych side of advertising/marketing. PRAY y...
8 years agoAMB372
Difficult. You MUST attend every class, especially the lectures for this one. Assessment and conte...
8 years agoKJB102
Really good subject. Well covered content in terms of intro to issues and advancements in journalis...
8 years agoLLB102
Fantastic subject - excellently run and taught. The assessment was really creative and the teachin...
8 years agoKCB206
Content was relevant and engaging but no tutorials for this class, only a lecture once a week. For t...
8 years agoKJB102
Good subject but expected more content and less essays regurgitating the content available. Panel di...
8 years agoBSB119
Lecturer liked the sound of his own voice and he thought he was funny. (Must be an economics lecture...
8 years agoBSB111
Having Gavin as lecturer was really enjoyable though trying to get head around ILAC was a bit hard w...
8 years agoBSB113
Interesting subject but Louisa just grates on you. If you can get Steve you will really enjoy the su...
8 years agoBSB123
Having to teach myself as lecturer is too confusing and does not explain adequately. Facebook group,...
8 years agoMZB125
This unit was so poorly planned out. I have not learnt a thing and even though I'm getting good mark...
8 years agoLSB142
Loved how thorough and hands-on the pracs were. Lectures were interesting and engaging.
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