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LLH302 Ethics and the Legal Profession - Exam Notes

Thorough Ethics notes, covering the lecture and tutorial content and readings from all weeks. Easy t...

79 pages, 32282 words

Ethics - Exam Notes/Templates

Prepared by a 4th year law student with a GPA of 6.91. Do not be scared by the size. These notes...

141 pages, 55000 words

LLH302 Ethics & The Legal Profession Full Subject Notes for Exam

Notes completed by student with GPA just short of 7. All up to date content, perfect for exam perfor...

74 pages, 25761 words

LLH302 Ethics & The Legal Profession- Colour Coded, Concise, Clear Notes with Diagrams

Level up your study game with these comprehensive notes. This guide is colour coded and well structu...

143 pages, 48500 words


$25 per hour

Stressing about an upcoming assessment? Not to fear! Fi is here :) I have just submitted by PhD...


Really enjoyed the unit but I understand the expectations were vague from time to time.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018

Great subject

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016

Unprofessionally run. Additionally students were treated dismissively and with a lack of respect.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016