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- Business
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Latest activity on Business subjects at Monash Uni....
Really fun unit! The tutes are interactive and the content is pretty easy.
9 years ago
It was a pretty interesting subject but took me a while to become familiar with the concepts. There...
9 years ago
A very bland and boring subject. Simple, but lectures and tutorials are quite boring and taught to y...
9 years ago
The course has been restructured with new lecturers so the previous review is not particularly relev...
9 years ago
This subject is an extension of ETC1000 and focuses solely on regression. It goes into much more dep...
9 years ago
Interesting unit- tutors are really friendly and they try to make things really relatable to student...
9 years ago
Great unit- very fun if you have the right tutor
9 years ago
An atrociously difficult subject. You will need to study very hard to get a distinction. If you enjo...
9 years ago
A very interesting subject. Even if you don't particularly like economics, Stephen King will make it...
9 years ago
pretty easy subject!
9 years ago
This unit will allow you to practice and enhance your negotiation techniques while learning legal ri...
9 years ago
Great unit to learn about yourself. This unit draws strongly on the expanding fields of positive psy...
9 years ago
Requires a fair amount of study to ground the concepts introduced in ETX1100
9 years ago
Challenging but fun
9 years ago
A fantastic unit if you have some background in the German language. Too easy if you completed Germa...
9 years ago
It's actually not that bad. It's easy to score a HD if you regularly study each week.
9 years ago
Love love love. My favourite marketing subject this far!
9 years ago
Quite straight forward and an interactive tutorial makes this subject enjoyable. This developed my l...
9 years ago
Enjoyable and interactive tutorial increased my enjoyment of the subject overall. It has similaritie...
9 years ago
Didn't feel like the subject was executed well, didn't enjoy the tutorials or the content. It was ha...
9 years ago
Terrible, I wasn't a fan of micro so why I ever picked this subject still baffles me. I had a shocki...
9 years ago
Loved this one, it had its challenges but it was a satisfying subject to overcome.
9 years ago
A fun subject but not for me.
9 years ago
Basically year 12 accounting, nothing too tricky for those that are knowledgable with accounting but...
9 years ago
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