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$85 per hour

I am a teaching associate and research assistant in Monash Econometrics Department since June 2016 a...


$70 per hour

Online and in person assessment mentorship available. I'm happy to work through homework, past exams...


$25 per hour

Get your study notes at TOVO.EDUCATION * | Premium Service | 1-On-1 Tutoring | Professional Li...


$40 per hour

I am third year majoring Finance at Monash University. I can tutor from home or University whichev...


Assignments are simple but the final examination is not. If you are good at coding, you will easily understand the assignments but in case you are not, catching up with the pace of this course might be difficult. Don't underestimate the final assessment and don't listen to the lecturer and work extra hard on improving R skills.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

Basically, you have to study everything by yourself. If you are passionate with coding and data analysis, do this. If not, pass this.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022

ETC1010 one of the most unstructured unit at monash. Lecturer is not bad but not much guidance and the assistants(not tutors; so called PhD students) are useless. Practice exams was nothing like the real exams. Assignments are more than you would expect from what you learn from lectures. Expect to google search and figure out things by yourself. More than 3 assistants but no support at all forget about getting answers to your questions! Ps: I think this is the worst rating I’ve ever given to a unit so far.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

The course has been restructured with new lecturers so the previous review is not particularly relevant. The subject is fairly straight forward and covers a few key topics, namely: what-if analysis, linear and non-linear programming, decision analysis, missing data and regression. The two lecturers are competent and will help you understand the material, but if you don't want to go to lectures, 95% of the material can be found in the textbook. David Frazier is the best out of the two as Julia Polak (the other lecturer) has a bit of an accent. If you did well in ETC1000 you will find this fairly easy.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015

Ambiguous assignments given out with little assistance provided. Considered difficult by those who struggled with ETC1000.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2013