Introductory Econometrics
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View all ETC2410 notesExam Cheat Sheet
This cheat sheet covers important topics, steps for calculation, definitions and proofs that will be...
2 pages, 1670 words
HD (85) ETC2410 - Introductory econometrics
- Simple, in depth notes with explanations and examples - Includes definitions and equations - Ide...
33 pages, 3718 words
ETC2410 Exam Cheat Sheet
This cheat sheet is a condensed version of the major topics studied in ETC2410 and will help guide t...
2 pages, 1560 words
Introduction to Econometrics Full Notes
Covers week 1-12, all content and readings. Topics: - Review of statistical concepts - Linear r...
19 pages, 7120 words
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Hi! I'm Kelly, your personal tutor. I am a Deans Scholar, and currently in my penultimate year of my...
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I am a teaching associate and research assistant in Monash Econometrics Department since June 2016 a...
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Online and in person assessment mentorship available. I'm happy to work through homework, past exams...
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I am an incoming mathematics PhD student at Monash. I previously completed a Bachelor of Science (ho...
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As a PhD graduate and experienced academic, I offer personalized online tutoring services to help yo...
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I am a dedicated student currently pursuing Bachelor of Actuarial Science, Major in Finance, at Mona...
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I am third year majoring Finance at Monash University. I can tutor from home or University whichev...
Only do this subject if it you need it for your major and definitely not in your first year of university. John Stapleton runs half the lectures and teaches not only so poorly, yet he is gross and weird on lectures, proven to be inappropriate and rude towards students as well. You can find more organised subjects and this ain't one, what a joke.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022
Pretty good unit, interesting content and the lectures are decent. Group work was a pain (the age old dilemma of everyone else just wants to pass and you want to actually get a good score) but the actual assignments were really cool (estimating the impact of health interventions and modelling stock returns). Watching YouTube videos to revise linear algebra and stats helped a lot (I recommend 3blue1brown's "essence of linear algebra" series)
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021
Decent unit to introduce the main ideas used in econometrics. Definitely a step up from ETC2410, but if you're not half bad at maths, it's pretty doable. If you're a finance student and got roped into doing it because of your course requirements; I'm sorry.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017
This was super super doable and, in my opinion, too easy for its own good. Lectures were so vague and boring. Tutes weren't much better. The content WAS hard, trust me. You'll rewatch lectures over and over and still NOT understand anything. But the assessments were super easy. The assessments really didn't reflect the tough content. I came out of it feeling like I got a good score despite not being able to understand anything. I seriously couldn't explain the most simplest concepts of this unit to anyone. That's why I don't think this is a good unit at all.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
The unit wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, I heard a lot about how difficult it was prior to doing it which freaked me out. Throughout the semester though the workload was bearable and difficult concepts were explained more thoroughly in tutes but lectures on the other hand weren't that clear or helpful, there are heaps of videos on youtube that explain the topics more succinctly. In-semester assessments were pretty easy to gain marks, it's only the exam that was difficult. I'd only recommend doing this unit if it's part of your major.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
I found the unit to be tolerable, but not one that I would really recommend. Quite a bit of math throughout the semester (linear algebra) which is fine as they don't really focus on it, but it definitely helps to understand the basic principles. The tutorials weren't helpful for me as everyone just copied the tutor's answers off the board for the entire lesson and we didn't get to actually practice anything apart from E-views (which is not on the exam).
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
Unit is okayyyy, takes a lot of study though, the lectures arent great and the lecture material isnt all that helpful as it is quite vague and unorganised. The tutors and labs are super helpful though, and the midsem multi choice is fairly straightforward
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
This unit is really difficult, it takes a long time understanding concepts and just generally learning to apply them and also the workload is a lot compared to other level 2 commerce units. Definitely take this unit paired with easier units. I found the lectures were not helpful, so the textbook is great, but even then the concepts are not easy to understand. I would recommend watching some of the econometrics videos online and then reading the textbook. Tutorials are useful , since this where you will learn to use the software, EViews. A good tutor will go a long way in helping you understand the topics.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017
This is a massive step up in difficulty compared to ETC1000. Content is really difficult to understand at the beginning and lecturer did not explain it well.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017
This subject is an extension of ETC1000 and focuses solely on regression. It goes into much more depth with regards to the theory and derivations and proofs for formulas. Not too difficult if you did well in ETC1000 but certainly more technical than compared with the other core commerce units. The tutors and lecturers don't seem to be that great and the resources they provide for the midsem and final exam are rather limited.