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Authors: Albert V. Carron
2 weeks agoAuthors: Coakley, Jay
2 weeks agoAuthors: Elizabeth Blesedell Crepeau, Ellen S. Cohn, Barbara A. Boyt Schell
2 weeks agoAuthors: Boreham/Stokes/Hall (eds)
2 weeks agoAuthors: Robert & Black Baxt (Ashley & Hanrahan, Pamela), A. Black, P. Hanrahan
2 weeks agoAuthors: LexisNexis Butterworths
2 weeks agoAuthors: Lisa Burton Crawford, Janina Boughey, Melissa Castan, Maria O'sullivan
2 weeks agoAuthors: Barlow and Cooney, Robert Barlow, Fiona Cooney
2 weeks agoAuthors: Ana Rodas, Melanie Simpson, Paddy Rawlinson, Ronald Kramer, Emma Ryan, Emmeline Taylor, Reece Walters, Alan Beckley, Chris Cunneen, Ashlee Gore, Amanda Porter, Scott Poynting, Emma Russell
2 weeks agoAuthors: Laurence Boulle, Rachael Field
2 weeks agoAuthors: Rob White, Fiona Haines, Nicole Asquith
2 weeks agoAuthors: David Farrier, Sandra Egger, Luke McNamara, Michael Grewcock, Donna Spears
3 weeks agoWSU textbooks by subject area: