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Authors: Mirko Bagaric, Richard Edney, Theo Alexander
3 weeks agoAuthors: Mark A. Jones, Darren A. Rivett
3 weeks agoAuthors: Mark Hutchinson, Peter Brukner, Karim Khan, Ben Clarsen, Paul McCrory, Ann Cools, Kay Crossley, Jill Cook, Prof Roald Bahr
3 weeks agoAuthors: Elly Hengeveld, Kevin Banks
3 weeks agoAuthors: Elly Hengeveld, Kevin Banks
3 weeks agoAuthors: RICHARD. CHISHOLM
3 weeks agoAuthors: Audrey Berman, Shirlee J. Snyder, Tracy Levett-Jones, Patricia Burton, Nikki Harvey
3 weeks agoAuthors: W Covell; K Lupton; L Parsons
3 weeks agoAuthors: Adrian Coorey
3 weeks agoAuthors: Michael Head, Yee-Fui Ng, Jason Donnelly and Michael Morgan
3 weeks agoAuthors: Ana Rodas, Melanie Simpson, Paddy Rawlinson, Ronald Kramer, Emma Ryan, Emmeline Taylor, Reece Walters, Alan Beckley, Chris Cunneen, Ashlee Gore, Amanda Porter, Scott Poynting, Emma Russell
3 weeks agoAuthors: R Howie; P Sattler; M Hood
3 weeks agoWSU textbooks by subject area: