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Authors: Halim Rane, Jacqui Ewart, Mohamad Abdalla
1 week agoAuthors: Mark McCormack, Eric Anderson, Kimberly Jamie, Matthew David
1 week agoAuthors: Melbourne University Law Review Association Inc, Melbourne Journal of International Law Inc
1 week agoAuthors: Craig A. Williams, David V. B. James, Cassie Wilson
2 weeks agoAuthors: Terry J. Housh, Dona J. Housh, Glen Oliver Johnson
2 weeks agoAuthors: Butow, Mullan, White
2 weeks agoAuthors: Elaine Nicpon Marieb, Katja Hoehn
2 weeks agoAuthors: Mortley, Elizabeth
2 weeks agoAuthors: Bennett, Sally
2 weeks agoAuthors: Peter Mahaffy, Roy Tasker, Bob Bucat, Paul Treichel, John C. Kotz, Gabriela C. Weaver, John E. McMurry
2 weeks agoWSU textbooks by subject area: