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In terms of content, this unit covers very basic statistics but the good thing is that they teach it...

3 years ago


Like other 2020 reviews have stated, this unit is much more history than science, and you have to be...

3 years ago


If you look at the reviews earlier than 2020, it may seem that this unit is an easy HD. WRONG. It us...

3 years ago


Interesting unit that definitely gives you a useful understanding of organ histology and structure....

3 years ago


DO NOT get baited into thinking this is an easy HD. IT IS NOT!!! Little to no mention of drug action...

3 years ago


If you want to play a gloried memory game as a university unit go ahead and do this one. Literally e...

3 years ago


Although a somewhat interesting unit, I always found my self wondering what the point of watching th...

3 years ago


Unit absolutely obliterated me a hundred times over. Do not do unless you're experienced in programm...

3 years ago


Super interesting unit and not too hard either. The exam just comes down to understanding the conten...

3 years ago


Very content heavy unit, it may be a bit easier for someone who has studied HBIO in school but if yo...

3 years ago


I was so excited about this unit but was deceived, this unit is half-assedand the lectures were soo...

3 years ago


I was so excited about this unit but was deceived, this unit is half-assedand the lectures were soo...

3 years ago


Peter Noble now runs this unit and I absolutely love it. Interesting content, a massive step down in...

3 years ago


Do not do this uint, in fact, DO NOT choose any PSYC unit that is organised/taught by Nicolas Fay, h...

3 years ago


This unit is extremely rewarding albeit intense studying is necessary since the questions cannot be...

3 years ago


The material was presented in a satisfactory manner but the lecturer (Des Hill) was anything but spo...

3 years ago


Very easy and interesting unit, just watch the lectures and you will easily get 90 plus in each of t...

3 years ago


It's a joke how easy this unit is. Most of the lectures are about how to do the essay or how to writ...

3 years ago


This is a very fun and easy broadening unit. You don't need to be sporty to do this; it's more about...

3 years ago


This unit is really interesting, and is an actual broadening unit because it doesn't just talk about...

3 years ago


Felt like a bit of a waste of time since everything we did this semester we had all done in high sch...

3 years ago


Felt as though the unit was poorly organised. Literally was not given enough info to do the lab repo...

3 years ago


Easy HD!! Just stay on top of your weekly quizzes and work, pay attention to the guide for the lab r...

3 years ago


Overall a pretty good unit! Most tutorials involved group work, speaking in front of the class and t...

3 years ago

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