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- Business
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Latest activity on Business subjects at UTS...
The lectures aren't bad at all, but you can definitely get away with skipping them and learning from...
8 years ago
Quite an enjoyable subject, it was quite interesting and more content heavy subject. There was few c...
8 years ago
John is a great lecturer and tutor - I was lucky enough to be in his class during his final teaching...
8 years ago
Not a very difficult subject - credit to Prabhu and the other staff for a well-designed subject and...
8 years ago
It's a subject where keeping up each week is really important because the content builds on the prev...
8 years ago
German is really fun and easy to learn. The tutorials are engaging and easy to follow and this subje...
8 years ago
If you get Tia as a tutor you will be set for life
8 years ago
After receiving an HD in the essay was dragged down 10% in the group work. The content is all over t...
8 years ago
If you want to avoid Math and you're good with theories, this is for you. However, don't mistake it...
8 years ago
Highly practical (tax, duh!). Mostly calculation, however there's a substantial amount of theories t...
8 years ago
Derivative Securities is a must-do subject if you want to land a Finance job, or you want to really...
8 years ago
A very interesting subject with lots of theories surrounding Auditing world. To be able to do well i...
8 years ago
Do the homework option and extra credit.
8 years ago
Good subject. Remember to review lecture slides thoroughly
8 years ago
Contents are easy, but the assignment is hard. The capital budget question is similar to assignment....
8 years ago
Lecturers are not as good as I expected.
8 years ago
Easy subject. Remember to do and understand pratice question and sample exam paper.
8 years ago
Difficult if you don't study.
Do the screencast if you have one iota of intelligence. Free marks an...
8 years ago
Content is okay.
Lecturer is okay.
Group assignment (though 400 word summary for probably 1500 wor...
8 years ago
Better than Accounting A and the content is relatively easier as long as you study. MYOB assignment...
8 years ago
Really good, just have to be up to date with everything and this subject should be good. Really inte...
8 years ago
I have to say Guests in lec are better than prof. Also, having a good team is pretty important. Indi...
8 years ago
It's an interesting subject and do hope you join a good group! I'm enjoying the process of creating...
8 years ago
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