Managing People And Organisations
21129 is rated by StudentVIP members:
Sell your textbook for 21129Managing and Organizations
Stewart Clegg, Martin Kornberger, Tyrone Pitsis
For sale by Ashlee for $30
Managing and Organizations
Stewart R Clegg, Martin Kornberger, Tyrone S. Pitsis
For sale by Arman for $35
Managing and Organizations
Stewart R Clegg, Martin Kornberger, Tyrone S. Pitsis
For sale by Aisha for $65
Managing and Organizations
Stewart R Clegg, Professor and Research Director Visiting Professor Stewart R Clegg, Martin Kornberger, Professor Department of Organization Martin Kornberger, Tyrone Pitsis
For sale by Gabi for $50
Managing and Organizations
Stewart R Clegg, Martin Kornberger, Tyrone S. Pitsis
For sale by Denise for $80
Managing and Organizations
Stewart R Clegg, Martin Kornberger, Tyrone S. Pitsis
For sale by Alexandra for $50
Managing and Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice 3ed
Clegg, Stewart R
For sale by Sukaina for $70
Managing and Organizations
Stewart R Clegg, Martin Kornberger, Tyrone S. Pitsis
For sale by Ernie for $60
Managing and Organizations: An Introduction to Theory and Practice 3ed
Clegg, Stewart R
For sale by Berta for $20
View all 21129 notesManaging People and Organisations (21129) - Fantastic Notes!
I used these notes for the final exam, and did very well! The notes have been double checked and hav...
29 pages, 6200 words
Managing People and Organisations (21129) Subject Notes
Full semester of subject notes. Topics: MANAGING AND ORGANISATIONS - Contemporary managing and...
66 pages, 16188 words
2019 Managing People and Organisations (MPO) HD Notes
2019 Managing People and Organisations (MPO) HD Notes Notes covers following topics: Foundations...
53 pages, 10534 words
HD MPO notes
These notes cover all topics from all lectures including: Introduction to managing and organisation...
48 pages, 13205 words
Managing People and Organisations 21129 - D
These extensive notes include information taken from lectures, tutorials, various textbooks, and fur...
40 pages, 8421 words
Concise HD MPO Notes
Thorough and detailed Managing People and Organizations Notes compiled from both the textbook and le...
44 pages, 7681 words
Extensive textbook & lecture notes! Helped me get a HD. Low page count as notes are presented in 2 c...
8 pages, 3590 words
MPO: Succinct Academic scholar's HD notes!!!
Topics include: - Studying Management and Organisation 'Critically' - Power and Politics - Indivi...
19 pages, 7027 words
MPO reading summary notes
MPO reading summary notes for the articles that you are required to read. - Great in assisting you...
9 pages, 4520 words
Managing People and Organisations Notes
These notes include all lecture slides as well as additional information from the textbook.
33 pages, 15136 words
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Experienced tutor with both domestic and international students, fluent in English and Mandarin. Cur...
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Experienced lawyer and tutor of business and law subjects (10+ years). Academic background: Distinct...
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Experienced lawyer and tutor of business and law subjects (10+ years). Academic background: Distinct...
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Taking Bookings for 2023 (Face to Face and ONLINE Available) Academic Tutor with HD average - Ranke...
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Really strict essay marking, need to produce best essay you have written. Exam is okay as long as you have reviewed everything (even tutorial work).
Anonymous, Autumn session, 2021
Worst subject ever....tutor also marked way too harsh. The textbook is the most so annoying to read as it is not straight forward but convoluted and dry.
Anonymous, Spring session, 2020
Honestly this is a pretty rubbish subject. We were made to buy the brand new VERY expensive edition of the textbook (which turned out to be fairly useless and poorly structured) and was funnily enough written by one of our lecturers (... fighting for royalties basically). This subject has way too much content to be productive and worst of all you are made to do a group essay (at least 6 people in each group) which while this was a highly interesting exercise of ~managing people~ it was probably the most terrible choice of medium for a group assignment. It was quite literally a hot mess. Be prepared to struggle through and endlessly complain about this subject. Just know that it does get better, and UTS subjects are not all as horrendous as this one. Good luck.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019
It's an essay based subject, if you like essays and find them easy, it'll be easy. And vice versa.
Anonymous, Spring session, 2017
This subject is surprisingly difficult. It is the sort of subject you would expect to be a "fluff" subject, as a lot of it is common-sense stuff, however they expect sophisticated answers in tutorials and have very high standards for the essays. Definitely an interesting one, but don't underestimate it!
Anonymous, Autumn session, 2018
The subject's content is interesting, particularly if general knowledge from Wikipedia teaches you new things. Learning how to write concisely and effectively is important to both a group and individual essay to be done. Its important to be consistent throughout in application, otherwise achieving high marks is nigh impossible.
Anonymous, Spring session, 2017
The subject was ok, quite dry. There were a lot of readings! You literally can finish the final exam in just 30 minutes, they are all MTQs and very easy. Make sure to practice the MTQs online (there was a link for these tests, ask your tutor or lecturer). Just need to focus on your individual assignments and the group work and all the remainings are easily scored.
Anonymous, Spring session, 2017
So much based on just common sense, the exam is 40 multiple choice questions that anyone who was able to complete high school could probably pass - the readings are interesting but they are let down by the unproductive tutorial structure - you could just buy the textbook and pretty well pass based off that and the readings
Anonymous, Spring session, 2016
Content is okay. Lecturer is okay. Group assignment (though 400 word summary for probably 1500 words of content is pushing it) is okay MPO is okay.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016
This is my favourite subject so far in first year business. Theres a massive amount of readings every week, however, most of the required and suggested readings are very interesting. The lectures are good at explaining concepts, however, they could improve in a few areas. Assessment wise, you will have to produce the highest standard essay you have ever written. It is imperative that you learn how to write, read and think critically in this subject in order to achieve a minimum of a distinction mark. Overall a very good and interesting subject that has business and minimal amounts of science (social psychology) content.