Auditing & Assurance Services in Australia

Grant Gay & Rodger Simnett

For sale by Jay for $100

Auditing, and Assurance Handbook 2016 Australia

S. Caanz

For sale by Sukaina for $80

Subject Notes Assurance Services and Audit 22522

Great for exam prep, includes all key information that is tested in the final exam! Many months spen...

64 pages, 12240 words

Complete Set of Audit Notes (22522)

Great set of HD notes compiled for Audit and Assurance Services (UTS: 22522) during the Autumn 2021...

64 pages, 19528 words

HD Audit Summary Notes (ASA)

I came in the top three overall in this course. Notes consist of a range of material - audit standar...

65 pages, 32477 words

22522 - Audit note for Mid and Final exams. This is all you need!

It's all about quality not quantity. This note is all you need for Mid and FINAL 22522 exam. The...

41 pages, 16992 words

Concise Assurance Services & Audit Notes

These 22522 - Assurance Service & Audit notes are a detailed summary of the lecture slides, the requ...

116 pages, 25835 words

Audit Condensed Notes

Audit Condensed Notes for an open book exam. Features links between assertions, procedures and relev...

48 pages, 30000 words

22522: ASA - ranked 18th!

These notes are all you need to smash ASA! They are a comprehensive overview of the subject. Eve...

79 pages, 20720 words

Audit: Quiz & Open Book Exam Notes

For easy navigation during the exam I have included all the most important information required for...

7 pages, 2504 words

Comprehensive Notes for Assurance Services and Audit notes.

Includes comprehensive summaries of all lecture slides and relevant textbook information as well as...

76 pages, 19470 words


$80 per hour

A TOP-RANKED academic tutor & honours scholar with TOP REVIEWS, major in Accounting, Finance & Econo...


$70 per hour

5+ years of tutoring experience at UTS and a passion for Accounting & Finance! I graduated with...


$110 per hour

Top business tutor with 8+ years of private tutoring experience & 2.5+ years of external audit exper...


Lectures are great; you have to do the pre lecture in order to even view the lecture so they force you to learn. There are interactive quizzes during the lectures. The in class quizzes are the worst part of the subject as they sometimes seem very random. Tip for video interview, don't stress just be natural and also try to make the room you are in look business like. Final exam; around the case study, come up with audit procedures, identify inherent risks and do audit risk model then audit opinion and why and something about audit independence.

Anonymous, Autumn session, 2018

Initially quite difficult and quizzes were pretty hard. I recommend going to your lectures and listening/noting down anything emphasised by Amanda. She doesn't emphasis concepts or nuances for fun. I also recommend doing the Audit-A-Day program during stuvac. It will consolidate your understanding. I also recommend reading the ASAs and making your own notes/flowcharts (or get a good set off here, lol). Overall, because of her end of sem program, it kept me studying and provided a good basis for me to make my notes and understand what areas I sucked at. As a result, the final exam was a piece of cake.

Anonymous, Autumn session, 2018

The weekly quizzes can be difficult to always do well in. Probably need to review the material in depth beforehand. Once you get your head around everything it's not too bad.

Anonymous, Spring session, 2018

A pretty challenging course as you need to have strong background in financial accounting (accounting policies). Also, without any practical experience, it's difficult to understand what an auditor may do in this or that situation.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

A very interesting subject with lots of theories surrounding Auditing world. To be able to do well in quizzes and exams, make sure you attend lectures and tutorials, watch Amanda's videos, and read through the books for highlights and practical examples.

Anonymous, Autumn session, 2016

Amanda (the lecturer) is an absolute legend - if you attend all your lectures and tutorials, you'll have no issues with this subject!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2014