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Science subject reviews at USYD
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To anyone taking this course, learn your practicals inside and out. A lot of the mark comes from the...
9 years agoPCOL2011
Super amazing subject! Taking this subject (having never taken anything like it before) made me tota...
9 years agoPHYS1901
Can be a tough course if you don't put in the effort. There is overlap from HSC Physics, but the HSC...
9 years agoCHEM1902
More demanding than CHEM1101/1901 due to the introduction of organic chemistry, but very rewarding n...
9 years agoCHEM1101
Demanding but excellent subject. Provides a great foundation for later chemistry subjects. Also help...
9 years agoPSYC3017
Group work was not as bad as i thought it'd be. i actually worked with some fun kids. lectures were...
9 years agoVETS1018
Very interesting subject, but very badly organised. The content jumps all over the place, and the p...
9 years agoMBLG1001
I thoroughly enjoyed MBLG1001 - it was my favourite first year subject. Although this course is cha...
9 years agoCHEM1102
This course is broadly split into organic and physical chemistry. Organic chemistry requires practic...
9 years agoBIOL1002
This unit covers Animal Biology, Plant Biology and Ecology. Very similar structure to BIOL1001, but...
9 years agoBIOL1001
Well structured and organised unit covering three very broad areas - cell biology, genetics and evol...
9 years agoPCOL2012
PCOL2012 lacked a degree of cohesiveness due to the separation of the unit into four different modul...
9 years agoMBLG1001
MBLG requires a lot of time and effort. The labs are long, and you may not necessarily have a very s...
9 years agoMATH1901
good subject, but doesn't scale amazingly unless you do SSP. if you want a good mark try 1001 and be...
9 years agoBIOL1003
A good subject, useful and pretty basic BUT, go in with the very clear understanding that this is po...
9 years agoPSYC1002
Tutorials were so boring. Everything else was really good though and kept me very engaged and intere...
9 years agoPSYC1001
It was pretty good overall, however some lectureres weren't as engaging as one would have wished. Tu...
9 years agoPSYC2011
Ian is fantastic. This unit is certainly hard work, and more pure science than other psychology unit...
9 years agoPSYC1002
Once again, another great first year psychology unit. Report writing can be difficult to grasp for f...
9 years agoPSYC1001
If you work hard, you will do well and set a great foundation for studying a psychology major. This...
9 years agoPSYC2911
Ian is awesome, let's be honest. There is an insane amount of content to be memorised, but if you ap...
9 years agoPSYC2014
I found the psychometrics content a good refresher for statistics, and well presented by Niko. I als...
9 years agoPSYC2013
I really enjoyed the majority of this second year psychology unit. The social lectures were for me,...
9 years agoPSYC2013
Overall a really interesting subject in particular the social psych content. It really opens your ey...
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