Living Systems
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A comprehensive set of summary notes covering all the lecture topics. Well-constructed tables and...
100 pages, 9865 words
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As an animal person, the plant part really drained me but was nonetheless delivered with engaging and interesting lectures. The pracs were, for me, rather boring. The unit co-ordinator is one of the best I have come across during my studies. He genuinely whats to make sure that students get the best out of the UoS and I am extremely surprised to read the first review stating him as standoffish and rude. I never once experienced anything like that and believe me, there were numerous opportunities where he could have been so, and rightly, but was instead understanding, supportive, helpful and even provided sincere and much appreciated guidance. The content is slightly condense and could do with a little trimming. Also the weight of assessment is not quite proportionate to the effort one has to put in. This said, it ultimately weighs the final exam results down so it works out for those who do better with assessments but tend to have trouble with the structure and anxiety of finals. Overall, I went into this unit thinking it'll be the only one I will ever do. I am looking forward to taking another unit in the same field next semester.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016
Interesting content, but unfortunately it was poorly structured - on top of that, unit coordinator was quite rude and standoffish to students. Grade harshly; effort-to-reward ratio is off.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016
This unit covers Animal Biology, Plant Biology and Ecology. Very similar structure to BIOL1001, but nowhere near as well organised. I personally found the pracs rather boring, and the main report was on the oxygen consumption of sea monkeys...
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015
This Unit of Study was split into Animal Biology, Plant Biology and Ecology. As an animal person, I did not enjoy having to learn about plants at a cellular level. But I must admit that every time I see a plant now, it automatically makes me think about the haplo-diplontic lifecycle and I even stop to study the flower arrangement and think about dispersal. The introduction to the vast array of animal species can be overwhelming. I felt there was a lot more post-lab work required for the lab book compared to BIOL1001.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015
Wasn't structured well
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2014
This was a great subject and covers fascinating material and is a great general biology subject. Pracs could be a little dull at times, but many were really interesting. Material was well presented and really interesting.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2014
Honestly this subject was one of my favourite subjects in first year and the pracs were very interesting. I would recommend this subject to anyone interested in studying living systems.