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Definitely worth studying. I gained many mathematical skills in this particular unit of study. Lectu...

8 years ago


Good resources but found the online quizzes annoying

8 years ago


Excellent resources however found the course a bit dry

8 years ago


ANAT2008 was really enjoyable in hindsight. I felt as though the tutorials were quite difficult beca...

8 years ago


PHSI2006 is a great course for physiology. The course includes the systems of the body which have so...

8 years ago


Best psychology unit to date- the course content involved forensic, consumer, organisational and hea...

8 years ago


Easy final exam as you are given a list of sample SAQs so if you prepare well you are almost guarant...

8 years ago


This unit is the closest thing to 'psychology' that most people expect: lots of disorders and criter...

8 years ago


I found this course very interesting, and most lecturers made their content interesting.

8 years ago


A manageable subject, even though the developmental psychology lectures were painfully dry.

8 years ago


At first the subject does seem challenging, however, as time progresses, the subject becomes enjoyab...

8 years ago


Very interesting content with good lecturers and not too much maths although there is A LOT to learn...

8 years ago


I enjoyed the content A LOT more than PSYC1001, especially Perception with Frans. The report was qui...

8 years ago


I found the general content quite interesting (given I have no background in computers and very litt...

8 years ago


I enjoyed this much less than CHEM1101. A lot of the content was pretty dry although the lecturers w...

8 years ago


Unless you have to do this subject or you LOVE chemistry AND biology don't do it. There is an assess...

8 years ago


Inheritance and population genetics were the easiest part for me as it's essentially calculations. M...

8 years ago


This Unit of Study was split into Animal Biology, Plant Biology and Ecology. As an animal person, I...

8 years ago


The School of Chemistry is extremely well organised and devotes an amazing amount of resources to su...

8 years ago


Very well structured course with excellent delivery of material and resources to support student lea...

8 years ago


i think it was a good subject, the content was awesome! though would of really helped if they releas...

8 years ago


Friendly demos, as always with biology. Markers were horrendous, bad marking all around. The online...

8 years ago


Bad learning curve. Ended up studying for mblg and bchm while this took a back seat for weeks 6-13,...

8 years ago


As said by the other reviews, pretty thought intriguing. I have taken one PHIL subject and two HPSC...

8 years ago

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