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Easiest BMED unit out of all of them, super lenient marking on the group presentation (50% of people...

6 years ago


Enjoyed this unit, disappointed i got an 83. We had this LAME design project to do which had no link...

6 years ago


Was interesting at first, but some lectures do not know how to teach. Content was pretty extreme dur...

6 years ago


Worst unit out of the BMEDs, extremely vague on what you need to know and asked the most ridiculous...

6 years ago


Anthony Henderson is a genius and an exceptional lecturer.

6 years ago


Great subject. Highly engaging and interesting. Fantastic background information for medicine or med...

6 years ago


Three words to summarise this unit. Fuck Michael Stewart. His lecture notes are a total nightmare, i...

6 years ago


Pretty great subject. Lots of rehashing from Extension 2 (Integration techniques & Volumes) but the...

6 years ago


Gerraint Lewis is a hero. He taught the EM module and he is a complete banterlord and made lectures...

6 years ago


This unit is completely unlike high school math, it requires a level of precision and carefulness in...

6 years ago


Daniel Daners is an incredible lecturer and almost everyone in the course was very positive towards...

6 years ago


What an excellent unit! Every aspect was interesting and enjoyable. Sophie was such a great lecture....

6 years ago


An amazing subject with a huge span of content covered, covering simulations, networks and artificia...

6 years ago


Great course. Key is to learn underlying concepts that will help you answer any question coming your...

6 years ago


Requires a lot of practice but worthwhile, relatively easy even if you're not a maths person

6 years ago


Lectures are pretty good, and are based very much off readings for the most part. So if you don't ge...

6 years ago


Great subject material. All students who want to have opinions should take this course.

6 years ago


Pretty interesting approach to environmental issues through economics and politics. Engaging, fairly...

6 years ago


The course was clearly split into the different modules each week and were taught very well. The con...

6 years ago


It seems to have a lot to remember. But it should be easy if you understand the rulers of how human...

6 years ago


Some students say statistics is the easiest math subject others say it is the hardest. Well... I thi...

6 years ago


Chemistry is the easiest subject! Everything just make sense! Lecture is quite important. It is good...

6 years ago


My favourite BMED subject this semester. The material is probably the least difficult to learn out o...

6 years ago


The subject material is a mixture between very interesting and not as stimulating rote learning. The...

6 years ago

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