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$100 per hour

Physics Honours • 93 WAM • BSci (Adv) • Maths/Physics Major • I graduated with a Bachelor of Advan...


$85 per hour

Do you have to take a course in maths/physics, but you feel you're just not "cut out for it"? The...


I thoroughly enjoyed this course. It is quite maths heavy, with a bit of calculus from second year mathematics, despite being a first year course. I really enjoyed the quantum module.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018

Gerraint Lewis is a hero. He taught the EM module and he is a complete banterlord and made lectures incredible. Quantum & Fluids are also pretty cool. Great subject would highly recommend, just keep up with the content throughout the semester and be aware that this unit is very maths heavy.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017

Fantastic subject, great lecturers and awesome content (especially the Electromagnetism module).

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015