- Uni. of Sydney
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- Science
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Latest activity on Science subjects at Uni. of Sydney...
Lectures are pretty good, and are based very much off readings for the most part. So if you don't ge...
7 years ago
Great subject material. All students who want to have opinions should take this course.
7 years ago
Pretty interesting approach to environmental issues through economics and politics. Engaging, fairly...
7 years ago
The course was clearly split into the different modules each week and were taught very well. The con...
7 years ago
It seems to have a lot to remember. But it should be easy if you understand the rulers of how human...
7 years ago
Some students say statistics is the easiest math subject others say it is the hardest. Well... I thi...
7 years ago
Chemistry is the easiest subject! Everything just make sense! Lecture is quite important. It is good...
7 years ago
My favourite BMED subject this semester. The material is probably the least difficult to learn out o...
7 years ago
The subject material is a mixture between very interesting and not as stimulating rote learning. The...
7 years ago
interesting, good assessments, teachers willing to answer any questions and marking isn't too harsh
7 years ago
Daniel Danes is a good lecture and he is kind. Feel free to ask him question. It is quite understand...
7 years ago
its pretty difficult
7 years ago
Really interesting material but assignments are wayyy more trouble than they're worth. So much due a...
7 years ago
Lectures seem redundant as everything said in those is just based off the readings. Tutorials are mu...
7 years ago
The Course is somewhat disorganised, far too many lectures with far too much detail. It would really...
7 years ago
Interesting and prac quizzes/exam is easy to do well in if you are good at memorising structures and...
7 years ago
Worse unit ever. Notes weren’t posted on time and demos never helped.
7 years ago
Insanely difficult and confusing if you don't know the tricks. Once someone explains it, however, yo...
7 years ago
Great unit, but split into several distinct parts without much overlap. Hormones are everywhere, but...
7 years ago
Great unit -- it's very hard at the start, but the more you learn the easier it gets. Seriously: 1 h...
7 years ago
Loved it! Probably my favourite of the BMED core units, it integrates knowledge in an incredibly eff...
7 years ago
A really interesting, stimulating, and relevant subject. You'll love it if you have a passion for et...
7 years ago
This subject was really enjoyable for me, it was really interesting material and was a good mix of t...
7 years ago
A hard unit of study. i recommend studying continoulsy and dont fall behind. the practicals are long...
7 years ago
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