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- Health
Health subject reviews at UQ
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- 538 UQ Health ratings and reviews
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The workload was intense! You HAVE TO be really on top of your studying if you want any chance of do...
9 years agoPHRM1020
The Pharm Calcs component of the course was good. Heaps of help always available and Wong made the l...
9 years agoPHRM1011
This was my favourite subject in first semester BPharm. Jacqui was always brilliant and made the lec...
9 years agoLING1000
Takes a steady and thorough approach to introducing people to Linguistics. I feel like I have a vast...
9 years agoPSYC2371
A course that will change your life like nothing else could. I recommend this course for anyone who...
9 years agoBIOL1040
BIOL1040 is an interesting subject to learn about. It focuses on your body system, helps you to unde...
9 years agoBIOL1040
Challenging stubject but enjoyable. It is important to keep up to date with the work and PASS sheets...
9 years agoBIOL1040
As some people have said in their reviews, this first year course is quite intensive to say the leas...
9 years agoPSYC1030
Brilliant course. Content is really interesting and gives great insight into the different disciplin...
9 years agoLING1005
Great course. Dr Erich Round is a brilliant lecturer and the tutors are all extremely knowledgeable....
9 years agoJAPN3102
Not sure what the other anonymous reviewer was smoking when they wrote the review, but: 1) Dr Kenne...
9 years agoPSYC3102
PSYC3102 is taught in a very dull way, for such interesting content. The exam is 90% content that is...
9 years agoBIOL1040
BIOL1040 is quite intense if you have not done any foundation courses or any other uni biology cours...
10 years agoCHEM1222
Apart from the stereochemistry module (quite confusing and difficult), I thought everything else was...
10 years agoBIOM1052
A very interesting course with excellent and funny lecturers. The course workload is quite heavy, se...
10 years agoPHRM1020
The Pharmaceutical Calculations segment of this course was extremely fun and easy and there were tes...
10 years agoPHRM1011
Very interesting and the lecturers and tutors really want you to succeed. They really prepare you fo...
10 years agoBIOL1040
BIOL1040 was really full-on as a first year, first semester subject. Not only was the workload heavy...
10 years agoBIOL1040
Really interesting content, but the way the course is assessed is what makes it difficult. Make sure...
10 years agoPSYC1040
A good revision of high school stats as well as introducing new statistical concepts. Gives you a so...
10 years agoPSYC1030
If you're interested in psychology and how people think then this is a good place to start!
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