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Health subject reviews at UQ
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I think the reason BIOL1040 gets a bad wrap is that it is a 2nd/3rd year subject hiding as a first y...
9 years agoPHRM2022
A relatively lighter subject (compared to PHRM2012) with great lecturers and great exam prep availab...
9 years agoANAT1005
The content is very heavy and sometimes difficult to understand. However, with determination and per...
9 years agoPSYC2311
I really enjoyed this course! The lecturers and tutors were great and encouraged interaction with st...
9 years agoPSYC2063
This is a very challenging course... it takes some time to get your head around what is expected bec...
9 years agoPSYC2063
Be prepared with this as it's different from other subjects in that rather than teaching content it...
9 years agoBIOL1040
BIOL1040 is actually not the worst course in terms of content and how it's taught. Much of the conte...
9 years agoPSYC2063
So interesting and awesome! Take any extra help you can get in this course, and enjoy it! It's an am...
9 years agoANAT1005
The content is very interesting. Much of it requires a blend of memorising and understanding how the...
9 years agoBIOM2010
This subject is only a one unit subject so there are only lectures (no practicals) but the workload...
9 years agoPHRM1012
Finally we're actually learning something about pharmacy! This course gives you a great overview of...
9 years agoBIOM1052
I really enjoyed this course! Louise Ainscough is a great lecturer and she explains the physiology v...
9 years agoCHEM1222
If you got CHEM1100 then this will be a breeze. The only new unit is stereochemistry which has a ver...
9 years agoBIOL1040
Crucial for first year biology, pretty full on at first, but a foundation for later subjects. Keepin...
9 years agoBIOM1052
BIOM1052 really gives you insight of every system in your body. You'll gain understanding of how you...
9 years agoLING1000
Interesting course. It is easy to keep up if you do the worksheets and tute exercises each week. Exa...
9 years agoPSYC1040
Lectures can be very repetitive but makes it easy to learn. Just keep on top of content and it's sim...
9 years agoPHRM1012
PHRM1012 is more intense than PHRM1011, but once you get used to it, you realise PHRM1011 is nothing...
9 years agoPHRM2030
Urrrrghh...if you asked anyone who did PHRM2030 how it was..most people would say it was either irre...
9 years agoPHRM2040
This was an interesting subject. As this was only a one-unit subject, there were fewer lectures and...
9 years agoPHRM2021
This subject was pretty good. The solubility and pH/buffer lectures were quite simple and resembled...
9 years agoPHRM2011
This subject is overwhelming. Such a big step up from PHRM1012. It's three lectures a week, plus the...
9 years agoBIOM2009
This subject built on the knowledge learnt from BIOM1052 and was extremely interesting to understand...
9 years agoBrowse UQ subjects areas: