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Latest activity on Science subjects at Uni. of Melbourne...


Before learning the subject, I thought that complex would not be much different compared to real ana...

6 months ago


It's a well-coordinated and well-organised WAM booster (very much so in fact) with clear assessment...

6 months ago


Grade: H1. A well-coordinated & interesting but content-heavy subject! Content is split into differe...

6 months ago


Easiest course ever. As long as you try, you will pass. The 3 quizzes are SUPER easy, so the hurdle...

6 months ago


Result- 66 H3. Decent overall. CHEM20018 is a significant step up from first year chemistry subject...

6 months ago


Result- 55 Pass. A decent subject which complements CHEM20018 & biochemistry subjects (BCMB20002 &...

6 months ago


Result- 50 Pass. Not happy. Was expecting higher. CHEM20020 was a step up following completion of b...

6 months ago


Result- 65 H3. First six weeks from Biosciences were the bane of my existence. The final six weeks...

6 months ago


The hardest subject I've ever done content-wise. Unforuntately it was over zoom, and Andrew's electo...

6 months ago


I never wanted to take this subject, as I was convinced I wasn't going to enjoy formal logic nor be...

6 months ago


Grade: H1 (82). Coming from an average unimelb student who usually gets a Pass or H2b for computin...

7 months ago


Grade: 100. You'll do good if you do lots of practice questions and pay attention in lectures. The e...

7 months ago


Interesting subject. There's lots of content to get through, so make sure you stay on top of the wee...

7 months ago


Grade: 90+. Dr Jackson is amazing. Sign up for her tutorial! Easy H1 if you actually put the work in...

7 months ago


Grade: 90+. If you're looking for an easy biology subject, not a lot of work, easy to get H1, then t...

7 months ago


why this is a prereq for anatomy and physiology is beyond me

7 months ago


Would not recommend this subject, even though Angelina is a fantastic coordinator some of the lectur...

7 months ago


Incredibly well organised for a level 1 subject (compared to 1st year bio which is horrendous). The...

7 months ago


This subject was not too bad. The first 6 weeks were not really interesting, as it just covered basi...

7 months ago


This was a decent subject. The subject content was very interesting, although a bit challenging at t...

7 months ago


Grade: 86. Overall, a decent subject. Definitely nothing very time consuming just some memorisation...

7 months ago


Grade: 91. Just as a disclaimer, I did have some previous coding knowledge though it was rather mini...

7 months ago


Grade: 80. The first 6 weeks were abysmal. I mean it was nothing short of just brain numbing. Litera...

7 months ago


A dry subject that will drag your WAM down. Although the actual content is not hard, the lecture sli...

7 months ago

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