- Uni. of Melbourne
- Subjects
- Science
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Latest activity on Science subjects at Uni. of Melbourne...
I has never learned French before (or any other language!) and found this subject really clear and e...
5 years ago
Interesting content. Not hard to get a good mark if you're organised and keep up with the lectures.
5 years ago
Interesting introduction to later Pharmacology subjects
5 years ago
Most engaging lecturer I've ever had.
5 years ago
Very interesting content with dedicated lecturers.
5 years ago
This is definitely the best subject I've taken - but it can feel quite challenging in the moment. St...
5 years ago
This subject is not that hard as a third year subject. But the contents are quite interesting.
5 years ago
Algebra is lawfully good. So I enjoy this subject a lot!
5 years ago
Hands down the best subject I took in my course. Mark was an amazing lecturer and coordinator. Even...
5 years ago
This subject was amazing! The practical classes were very informative as to what being in this field...
5 years ago
HARD. bUT reWarding
5 years ago
Yeah not bad. Good stuff
5 years ago
Can definitely say it was an enjoyable subject. This subject was a wonderful overview of the key are...
5 years ago
Enjoyable, but I personally felt that some of the content of this subject made it harder than ANAT30...
5 years ago
My favourite subject yet! I knew I would enjoy it before we started, but the lecturers, workshops an...
5 years ago
As the name suggests, this subject is intense. It's great to knock out a double-credit-points subjec...
5 years ago
Having never done French before French 1, the pace of this subject was pretty good and fast, but I d...
5 years ago
Having never done French before, the pace of this subject was pretty good and fast, and I was surpri...
5 years ago
Back when I did this subject, it had a weird set-up of lecturers, tutorials and language seminars. T...
5 years ago
This subject had a steep learning curve for me because I hadn't done biology since year 9 of high sc...
5 years ago
All of these 'applications' and 'characterisation' subjects are essentially the same in that you get...
5 years ago
Core subject for chemistry majors, standard set up of three blocks of four-week topics. The stuff on...
5 years ago
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