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Latest activity on Science subjects at Uni. of Melbourne...


Content of this subject is super interesting and it allows you to deep dive into mainly the arms and...

1 month ago


Ignore the reviews below, they are just gatekeeping the ultimate WAM booster subject from you guys....

1 month ago


terrible coordination. The team is very incapable of running the subject. Zero feedback given (feedb...

1 month ago


Fun and well-run subject with extremely fair assessments and quizzes after each topic. The way this...

1 month ago


Just terrible coordination in all areas. I was originally a fan of the online lecture approach, as i...

1 month ago


Really good!! I absolutely despise the content and I'm pretty sure I barely passed the exam, but it...

1 month ago


charles is the best lecturer and its very easy to do well as long as you put in a moderate amount of...

1 month ago


I agree with the other comment on here. Although the lecturers are clearly very experienced in their...

1 month ago


Labs are chem based and are fun but overall, the subject is all over the place. The tutor was a phd...

1 month ago


For food science students, this subject goes hand in hand with Advanced Food Analysis (FOOD30008). U...

1 month ago


This subject is an absolute WAM booster, and also a great introduction to Spanish. The subject itsel...

1 month ago


Although I agree with many of the negative reviews, but I would still say this is a manageable subje...

1 month ago


Sadly this is a core subject for all science students, gained nothing from this subject, except wast...

1 month ago


Chemistry 1 runs quite well in terms of its sessions, assignments and the supports given. There are...

1 month ago


This subject is basically just high school plant biology with a couple of extra bits. I recommend it...

1 month ago


Thinking about how I have to spend my hard earned money on this absolutely useless subject's tuition...

1 month ago


Let me just preface my comment by saying that I agree with all the negative reviews, but only to an...

2 months ago


Worst Phil subject I've ever done. Lectures had no proper form or structure. Andrew didn't do a good...

2 months ago


Bad bad bad. So much online content covered, in minimal detail, making study seem useless. On...

2 months ago


Well run. SO much better than foundational biology.

2 months ago


Useless. Lost braincells doing this. Would learn more attending a primary school class than I did in...

2 months ago


This is a review for the new (2024 version) of this subject: So much content! Hard! Seminars (you do...

2 months ago


Horrible subject. Utter shit. If I was to choose between doing this subject and drinking an expired...

2 months ago


Do not take this subject just because people said that it is a WAM booster, because it is not. I end...

2 months ago

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