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This subject is VERY VERY poorly formatted to the way I dreaded watching lectures and participating...

3 years ago


helpful subject. And quite fun. :)

3 years ago


I love neuroscience so I might be biased. But it was pretty good. Peter is knowledgeable. And Joel i...

3 years ago


I'm an average student (or maybe slightly above). I don't think I'm alone in saying that the previou...

3 years ago


I'll keep this short and sweet. Horrible subject. I enjoyed studying for the GAMSAT in Sem 1 2020 mo...

3 years ago


not bad

3 years ago


The lecturer, Konstantin Borovkov, is condescending, callous, and his explanations are incomprehensi...

3 years ago


I only did it as a prerequisite and it was terrible. The lecturers weren’t consistent in quality: so...

3 years ago


Easy content and the quiz is open book. I would advise against taking the summer intensive and just...

3 years ago


Great introduction to basic physics for people who didn't do VCE physics. Interesting questions in l...

3 years ago


I found the Discrete Maths content extremely interesting. However, I found the Operations Research c...

4 years ago


I really enjoyed Linear Algebra. It is an extremely valuable subject for future studies in both math...

4 years ago


Super hard but really not that bad if you stay on top of things. Lots of interesting stuff.

4 years ago


One of the harder 1st year subjects sure, but it's chem so what do you expect. They give plenty of r...

4 years ago


Good introduction to 'pure' style maths. Content can get a bit dry after the first few weeks but the...

4 years ago


Basically the same as spesh maths vce. But the content can be a bit dry and boring at times.

4 years ago


Can be very hard if you don't adjust to university level maths quickly, but overall it is a very int...

4 years ago


Very harder than Vector Calculus, Differential Equations took a different level compared to Calc 2....

4 years ago


Bit disorganised but easy enough to get a H1. Statistics section was not taught well.

4 years ago


Great subject. Not too difficult, easy to get a H1. Well organised.

4 years ago


This subject was so interesting as it was an amalgamation of many different disciplines. It could ha...

4 years ago


This subject was so interesting! The subject coordinator was super friendly and always willing to he...

4 years ago


I truly enjoyed this subject. Whilst not being overwhelming, it gave a good overview of all the majo...

4 years ago


Interesting and enjoyable subject. It gets a bit confusing when you get to looking at specific patho...

4 years ago

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