Physics 1
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This note set covers the full subject of PHYC10003 – Physics 1 for the 2020 Semester 1 Curriculum. T...
106 pages, 11566 words
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Accreditation: - Master of Engineering (Mechanical) - The University of Melbourne (UniMelb) - Ba...
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Maths Graduate with First Class Honours| 5 Years, 3000+ hours of tutoring experience| 99.80 ATAR| Fr...
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Tutoring both online and in person available. I have a Ph.D. in control engineering, a mater degree...
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Hello everyone! My name is Aadarsh, and I am a third-year PhD student in the School of Physics at th...
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First lesson half price. MSc (Physics), BSc (Physics), DipMathSc (Pure Mathematics), University of M...
It was absolutely terrible. I would like to preface this by saying this was when lectures were prerecorded and may not reflect how the subject is now. But I think it deserves a 1 star review regardless. Firstly, terrible quality of lectures. This subject had two lecturers. The second was nothing of note so I will focus on the first. Making it painfully clear that making the prerecorded videos was the biggest chore of his entire life, he presented some of the laziest and most dull lectures that I have ever come across in the university. They consisted of the key theorems being screenshotted and pasted directly from the textbook and into the slides. Zero additional comments were provided (neither verbal nor annotated on the slides) to give any value to these lectures. That is, the theorems and formulas were read directly from the slides. You would have gotten the same quality learning experience by using some text to speech on the textbook. It got so bad to the point where it became pointless to spend anytime watching lectures, and I resorted to just reading the textbook on my own. For a subject we pay thousands to take, it felt borderline shady. I will make a brief comment on the second lecturer. While not brilliant, the lectures were certainly up to the standard expected for a subject like this. If you plan to take this subject as a breadth or elective, I suggest you don't. If possible take Physics 2. The content was dry and difficult, and the workload was significant. It took considerable effort to get comfortable with much of the content but it's not impossible to do well in. I found the exams to be fair. However, it's genuinely quite boring and repeats most things from high school minus any quantum and electromagnetism (the fun stuff in my opinion), with some natural extensions to the things you've already learnt. The practical component of the subject did not consist of any difficult theory but was lengthy and was very difficult to finish. That said, the demonstrators marked fairly and it was easy to score well in. All in all, it was a boring and difficult subject poorly delivered and I can't recommend this to anyone. Only do if it's a core subject (ps second year physics seems to be worth the pain suffered here)
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022
Grade: Pass (55). I am writing this to beg you and warn you to not take this subject. I don't know how I passed this subject, I didn't know any question on the exam, I didn't watch any lectures, I only started studying for the exams 2 days before. Assignments are all hard application questions copied from the textbook. Pracs are crammed in 2.5hours with the entire report due at the end. They just read off the lectures slides which they copy and pasted from the textbook so just look at the past exams and watch youtube. Don;t do this subj unless it's a prereq for your major!
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022
Grade: H1 (91). This subject was incredibly difficult. We had 3 online lectures per week AND an additional in person 1 hour lecture on Friday not mentioned in the handbook but vital if you want to understand the exam. The labs were very intense with whole reports needing to be written up in 2 and a half hours while doing one or multiple experiments, but the lab demonstrators give a lot of guidance and are really nice. The homework assignments are very hard but doable if you are ok with spending a long time on them. The exam was an absolute nightmare and was much harder than the past papers they give. Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security from the seemingly easy past papers, the exam will give you a rude shock. Overall, unless you’re willing to put in a lot of time in addition to the ~8 hours per week of classes, you will struggle. Don’t do this subject as a filler like I did, you will likely hate it. It is by no means a WAM booster like what other reviews say. I managed to get a 91 this semester largely because quite a bit of scaling takes place; but do not rely on this, as it is not guaranteed.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022
This subject was great fun! I would strongly recommend anyone interested in maths and engineering to do it.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021
The subject content was OK, I never really liked the highly conceptual bits, but loved the straightforwardness and mathematics of some of the other topics. This is very much an extension of VCE physics, with some added content. I particularly enjoyed learning about some of the topics that adhered more to real life (stuff that we experience everyday). Special relativity was definitely the worst part. The labs were pretty fun and the wiley stuff was all on the internet, so there was not too much trouble there. However, possibly due to the exam being online, the final exam was SUPER challenging. I had attempted many past exams and found the difficulty to be a lot higher than previous years. The workload was pretty heavy, but in general it was OK.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020
Loved it. Genuinely fascinating content (Special relativity blew my mind!) and great lecturers/tutors/demonstrators. It is organised really well too. A great continuation from VCE Physics. Pretty easy to get most the lab marks. The online homework tasks could be tricky, but you have more than enough time to work through them. Exam is fairly straightforward and similar year to year.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019
If you've done year 12 physics it's a walk in the park. Good WAM booster.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017
Basically just a rehash of high school physics with a little more depth. The homework is easy and answers can be found easily online. The labs are pretty boring and in some cases kind of irrelevant but help to boost the overall subject grade.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
Fun subject.Great Lecturer and good content.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014
A very good first year physics course. However, the labs are boring and do not seem to go with the course itself.